
Apprenez aux côtés des plus grands experts internationaux ! Nos formations couvrent tous les sujets, du diagnostic et de la planification du traitement aux flux de travail chirurgicaux et prothétiques. Nous abordons également certains des protocoles les plus complexes et les plus avancés pour gérer de potentielles complications.


Mars 2024

36ª Edição da Formação de Implantologia

Mars 08 - May 10, 2024
Carvalhos, PT
En savoir plus
Prof Fernando Almeida

Na 36ª Edição da Formação de Implantologia, os formandos irão adquirir conhecimentos técnicos fundamentais de Implantologia tanto a nível cirúrgico, como protético.

Os formandos irão contactar diretamente com fantomas e “in vivo” com cirurgia de implantes e respetiva reabilitação protética. Irão também conhecer todos os componentes cirúrgicos do kit de implantes e como os usar.

Português (europeu)
Centro de Formação Fernando Almeida

Cursus de Formation en Parodontologie et Implantologie - PERIOMIND

Mars 15 - Déc 14, 2024
Toulouse, FR
Dr Ronan Barré
Dr Guillaume Anduze

Cursus de formation en Parodontologie et Implantologie destiné aux praticiens désireux d’intégrer efficacement et sereinement ces thérapeutiques dans leur  exercice.

Programme et dates

  • Module 1 : Prise en charge parodontale - 15 et 16 mars 2024
  • Module 2 : Chirurgie parodontale - 14 et 15 juin 2024
  • Module 3 : Chirurgie et prothèse implantaire de petite étentue - 20 et 21 septembre 2024
  • Module 4 : Chirurgie et prothèse implantaire avancée - 13 et 14 décembre 2024

Prise en charge DPC rèf. 85301800001


Mai 2024

All-on-4® Clinical Residency

May 02 - 03, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dr. Armando Lopes
Dra. Ana Ferro

The All-on-4® concept is one of the breakthroughs in Implant Dentistry, allowing the rehabilitation of the majority of edentulous arches without the need of bone grafting. The All-on-4® concept is backed up by more than 20 years of clinical research with excellent long-term results.


Embracing immediacy and simplicity as the new paradigm for patient care in implantology - A 2-Day Program

May 13 - 14, 2024
North York, ON, CA
En savoir plus

This small group comprehensive 2-Day program focuses on the merits of embracing immediate implant placement as a patient centered implant prosthodontic treatment solution. Through a series of live and previously recorded surgeries, formal presentations, group discussions and hands-on training, dental teams will become familiar with the merits of immediate placement protocols for both the single tooth and full arch solutions. Particular emphasis will be placed on how best to have the entire team embrace and advocate for immediate implant placement protocols to be adopted in dental practices.

Tuition: $1,999 CAD

Tuition includes 1 dentist and up to 3 staff members.

$999 CAD for additional dentists or denturists.

CE Credits : 14


Dr. Alex Bongard

Dr. Steven Bongard

Dr. Brian Freund

Ms. Michelle Ryckman

Ms. Flora Santos

Mr. Terry Xie

Dr. John P. Zarb

Contact :

Genesis Continuing Dental Education

Introduction to the digital workflow for the All-on-4® treatment concept

May 17, 2024
Yorba Linda, CA, US
Dr. Joe Mehranfar
Join us as we delve into the exciting world of dental technology, where we uncover the obstacles we faced and conquered on our journey to becoming and all-digital dental implant center and laboratory.
Nobel Biocare Training Institute


May 17 - 18, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Prof. Paulo Malo
The All-on-4® Protocol is an innovative surgical procedure, developed by Dr. Paulo Malo. The first All-on-4® was done in the mandible in 1993, and in 1996 done in the maxilla. Dr. Paulo Malo and his Team are present in 24 Countries with MALO DENTAL Clinics and in partnership with local colleagues.

iHDS - Introduction to the Dental Implant World

May 17, 2024
Bellaire, TX, US
Dr. Drew Rossi
Dr. Aldo Sordelli
Dr. E. Todd Scheyer
Dr. Virgilio Gutierrez

Become a go-to "implant expert"! Instead of turning away dental implant cases, offer more to your patients who know, like and trust you.  This two-hour program will help you understand the skills needed to become confident in incorporating implant treatment in your own practice - from different extraction techniques and ridge preservation to digital treatment planning anterior and posterior implant cases and guided bone regeneration. 

The Institute of Houston Dental Synergy

即時治療の攻略 0518-19品川

May 18 - 19, 2024
品川区, Tokyo, JP
. 依田 泰 先生




ノーベル・バイオケア・ジャパン株式会社 品川研修室

インプラント周囲軟硬組織を 長期維持するためのポイント0519栃木

May 19, 2024
宇都宮市, Tochigi, JP
. 今村 みちる先生
. 下尾 嘉昭先生
. ​上杉 崇史 先生
. 岡本 陽子先生

インプラント治療において大きな課題である軟組織・硬組織を長期維持するためのポイントを学んでいただきます。治療計画から外科的・ 補綴的要因、そしてメンテナンスまでの一連の流れを、 最新の論文・豊富な臨床経験を踏まえて、 MALO DENTAL&MEDICAL TOKYOの歯科医師、歯科衛生士、歯科技工士から説明していただきます。


マロニエプラザ 小展示場

Human cadaver course: Immediate implant placement in the aesthetic area and soft tissue grafting

May 24, 2024
Gent, BE
Prof. Dr. Thomas De Bruyckere
Prof. Dr. Jan Cosyn
Dr. Faris Younes

Immediate implant placement is an appealing treatment concept as it requires minimal surgery, and it offers the possibility for instantaneous tooth replacement with a provisional implant-supported crown. However, the treatment concept needs to be well indicated and the surgical procedure is technically demanding. The purpose of this cadaver course is to provide the implantologist a step-by-step approach to arrive at a predictable outcome with immediate implants. Soft tissue augmentation procedures will also be covered in this cadaver course since these are often needed after immediate implant placement. Different harvesting techniques will be taught.

UZ Gent, PAD Building (ingang 23)


May 24 - 25, 2024
Coimbra, PT
Prof. Paulo Malo
The All-on-4® Protocol is an innovative surgical procedure, developed by Dr. Paulo Malo. The first All-on-4® was done in the mandible in 1993, and in 1996 done in the maxilla. Dr. Paulo Malo and his Team are present in 24 Countries with MALO DENTAL Clinics and in partnership with local colleagues.
Wisdom Dynasty – Instituto de Medicina Dentária

デジタル診断と ガイディッド & ナビゲーション・サージェリー0525-26品川

May 25 - 26, 2024
品川区, Tokyo, JP
. 木津 康博 先生

DTX Studio™ インプラント・ソフトウェアを用いたデジタル診査・診断、そしてサージカルテンプレートを用いたガイディッド・サージェリーの優位性を学べるコースです。インプラント治療経験に応じたノーベルガイドの臨床応用方法を解説し、オペビデオを通じてガイディッド・サージェリーの臨床実践を習得いただけます。また、ダイナミックナビゲーションシステム「X-Guide」の概要、実践を紹介します。

ノーベル・バイオケア・ジャパン 品川研修室

Implant ​ Basic Seminar​0525-26大阪

May 25 - 26, 2024
大阪市, Osaka, JP
楠本 直樹 先生




Juin 2024

Digital experience center: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre implantología 100% digital

Juin 03, 2024
Leipzig, ES
Dr Miguel Gonzalez Menéndez
Dr Didier Delmas

Nobel Biocare se centra cada día en mejorar la eficiencia, la velocidad, la seguridad y la rentabilidad de sus productos para que vosotros, profesionales en implantología podáis ofrecer magníficos resultados a vuestros valiosos pacientes.


Conoce nuestro portfolio digital, incluyendo el escáner intraoral DEXIS™, el software de planificación DTX Studio™ Implant, la máquina X-Guide™ para cirugía navegada y la impresora digital SprintRay en esta actividad.

Porsche Experience Center

Incorporating the immediate full arch fixed solution into your practice

Juin 06 - 07, 2024
North York, ON, CA
En savoir plus

This 2-day program will show case all the steps involved in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and execution of immediate provisionalization for the full-arch hands-on training, you will understand this remarkable same day solution for completely edentulous patients and those with a terminal dentition.

  • Case selection and treatment planning.
  • Pre-operative, surgical and prosthodontic workflows. 
  • Hands-on experience for the conversion of a removable complete denture into a fixed immediately inserted transitional prosthesis.


Tuition: $3,499 CAD

Tuition includes 1 dentist and 2 staff members.

$2,499 CAD for additional dentists or denturists.

CE Credits : 14


Dr. Alex Bongard

Dr. Steven Bongard

Ms. Michelle Ryckman

Ms. Flora Santos

Mr. Terry Xie

Dr. John P. Zarb

Contact :

Genesis Continuing Dental Education

La chirurgie parodontale / M2 - PERIOMIND

Juin 07 - 08, 2024
Toulouse, FR
Dr Ronan Barré
Dr Guillaume Anduze


Journée 1 : Chirurgie parodontale

  • Parodontologie chirurgicale
  • Préparation de la chirurgie
  • TP sutures
  • Chirurgie pré-prothétique
  • Greffe epithélio-conjonctive
  • TP chirurgie parodontale sur support pédagogique
  • Analyse de cas cliniques et QCM
  • Study Club

 Journée 2 : Aménager le parodonte 

  • Greffe de conjonctif enfoui
  • Chirurgie par Tunnelisation
  • TP sutures et chirurgie plastique parodontale sur mâchoire animale
  • Evaluation et QCM

 Prise en charge DPC rèf. 85301800001


Implantologie einmal anders betrachtet. Modul 3 – Digitale Implantologie und das All-on-4® Behandlungskonzept

Juin 07 - 08, 2024
Karlstadt, DE
Isabel Faßbender
Dr. Stefan Scherg
Niklas Scherg

Wie funktioniert die Umsetzung des digitalen Workflows in der Praxis?

Kann das nur bei Einzelimplantaten oder auch bei komplexeren Versorgungen angewandt werden? Neben der notwendigen Hard- und Software zeigen wir die Umsetzung step by step und fügen alle Komponenten im All-on-4® Behandlungskonzept zusammen. Bei dem seit über 25 Jahren bewährten Verfahren zur Versorgung ganzer Kiefer mit festsitzenden implantatgetragenen Zähnen vereinfacht die Digitalisierung die Umsetzung enorm.

Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit unserem entwickelten Vorgehen vorhersagbar in wirklich einer Sitzung den Patienten wieder mit festsitzenden provisorischen Zähnen rehabilitieren können.

14 Fortbildungspunkte
Hotel Mainpromenade

Canadian Academy of Periodontology (CAP) 2024 - Winnipeg

Juin 07, 2024
Winnipeg, MB, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Jonathan Ng

Join this full day of hands-on learning of the complete digital workflow from data acquisition to diagnosis and treatment of the partially and fully edentulous patient with the DTX ecosystem.


Learning Objectives:

-Imaging, treatment planning and communication within 1 software 

-Easily move from scan to plan with digital record taking 

-Diagnosis within DTX 

-Utilizing AI for prosthetic set up 

-Benefits and workflow of navigated surgery with X-Guide 

-Hands-on experience for the conversion of a removable complete denture into a fixed immediately inserted transitional prosthesis. 



$300 CAD


CE Earned: 7

The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa & Conference Centre

Das Ostsee-Symposium. Das Remake eines großen Erfolgs.

Juin 07 - 08, 2024
Rostock-Warnemünde, DE
OA Dr. Ufuk Adali
Dr. Janos Oettler
Dr. Annette Felderhoff-Fischer
Kristian Dahl
ZA Alexander Dorschner
Mischa Ommid Steude M.Sc. M.Sc
Anja Mahlke
Liane Lehmann
Dr. Gerald Schillig, M.Sc.
Dr. Philipp Olschowsky
Sven Bartosch
Dr. Martin Brückner, M.Sc.
Dominik Neidhart
Dr. Frank Hoffmann
Dr. Hannes Brückner
PD Dr. Dr. Keyvan Sagheb

Der Wettbewerb – auch in Ihrem Segment – wird immer kompetitiver, die Erwartungshaltung von Patienten immer höher und die Behandlungs- und Therapiezeiten werden immer kürzer.

All das ist wirtschaftlich und medizinisch nur noch durch den Einsatz von effizienter Technik und sicheren Methoden zu optimieren. Nehmen Sie als Beispiele den digitalen Workflow, der mit den Mitteln von Nobel Biocare in 60 Minuten vom Scan zum Provisorium führen kann. Oder auch das All-on-4® Behandlungskonzept für feste dritte Zähne in nur einem Tag und andere interessante Themen.

Beim Ostsee-Symposium beschäftigen wir uns gemeinsam mit Ihnen mit den neuesten Technologien und aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen zum digitalen Workflow und zur Effizienz in der Praxis.

Das alles in einer traumhaften Location direkt am Strand – dem Hotel Neptun in Warnemünde – und natürlich mit vielen interessanten Gesprächen unter Kollegen.

Es gibt also gute Gründe, das Symposium nicht zu verpassen. Am besten, Sie melden sich gleich an.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

8 Fortbildungspunkte
Hotel Neptun

Digitally Enhanced Implant Dentistry Symposium

Juin 07 - 08, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Todd Schoenbaum
Dr. Ali Sadeghi
Dr. Kevin Aminzadeh
Dr. Tasso Irinakis
Penny Hatzimanolakis
Join WCI and Nobel Biocare for an information packed symposium! See LIVE demos on digital workflows and the latest innovations in smile design & surgical rehabilitation. This event will include observation of live surgery, hands-on workshops and featured lectures. − Advances in anterior implant esthetics via digitally enhanced surgeries and smile designs − Digital dentistry mastery: the digital anterior esthetic zone protocol − Digital dentistry mastery: the digital full-arch protocol − Surgical planning, provisional crown design, IOS scanning and 3D printing
Rosewood Hotel Georgia

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

La FOR est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif prônant la science, l’éducation et l’humanité dans la restauration bucco-dentaire. Le site Web offre des centaines de ressources de formation pour les professionnels dentaires : plus de 300 vidéos conférences d’éminents experts. Près de 100 documentations de cas cliniques. Manuels et articles numériques interactifs. Recommandations de traitement de pointe. Et bien plus encore. Entièrement gratuit. Inscrivez-vous maintenant et accédez à toutes les ressources.

Des questions ? Il suffit de demander. 

Si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez ou avez besoin d’informations supplémentaires sur les événements, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
