
Apprenez aux côtés des plus grands experts internationaux ! Nos formations couvrent tous les sujets, du diagnostic et de la planification du traitement aux flux de travail chirurgicaux et prothétiques. Nous abordons également certains des protocoles les plus complexes et les plus avancés pour gérer de potentielles complications.


Juin 2024

Digital experience center: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre implantología 100% digital

Juin 03, 2024
Leipzig, ES
Dr Miguel Gonzalez Menéndez
Dr Didier Delmas

Nobel Biocare se centra cada día en mejorar la eficiencia, la velocidad, la seguridad y la rentabilidad de sus productos para que vosotros, profesionales en implantología podáis ofrecer magníficos resultados a vuestros valiosos pacientes.


Conoce nuestro portfolio digital, incluyendo el escáner intraoral DEXIS™, el software de planificación DTX Studio™ Implant, la máquina X-Guide™ para cirugía navegada y la impresora digital SprintRay en esta actividad.

Porsche Experience Center

Flapless immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the esthetic zone

Juin 07 - 08, 2024
The Hague, NL
En savoir plus
Dr Tristan Staas
Dr Edith Groenendijk

Learning objective

Flapless immediate implant placement and provisionalization (FIIPP) is a modern treatment method characterized by fast time-to-teeth, less surgical interventions with equal or better prosthetic results and better patient acceptance.

Dr. Edith Groenendijk and Dr. Tristan Staas have recently published a peer-reviewed study on the Flapless Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization (FIIPP) technique and the factors that affect its esthetic outcomes.  

In this course, they will take you through each step of FIIPP, from diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical and prosthetic protocols, demonstrating the methods that can optimize predictable, long-term success.

  • Point out the crucial steps that will lead to a predictable treatment outcome
  • How to achieve primary stability needed for immediate loading
  • Step-by-step procedure by means of literature, cases and live surgery
  • Digital planning and prosthetic workflow
  • Get familiar with the surgical protocol for NobelActive, a reliable implant solution for high initial stability and soft and hard tissue preservation



Implantologie Den Haag

Biologically driven surgical and prosthetic protocols: The new normal in implant dentistry

Juin 28 - 29, 2024
Kloten, CH-ZH, CH
En savoir plus
Dr Tristan Staas
Dr Giacomo Fabbri


Join this masterclass in which the current scientific improvements will be discussed, regarding osseointegration, mucointegration and ‘one abutment one time’ protocols from anterior esthetic rehabilitation to full-arch rehabilitations. We will look back on what we have learned in the last 15 years of implantology and look forward to new possibilities in the field of digital technology, implant and abutment surfaces, new abutment and restorative concepts, a selection of restorative materials and planning the emergence profile with a biologically driven concept.

The course will be interactive, where science and clinical practice will come together.


Course objectives & details

The course will cover in-depth discussion and learnings in the following topics:

  • Esthetic therapy in fixed prosthodontics: step by step analysis and workflow.
    Digitalization of the dental clinic: a new clinical workflow and an amazing tool for the communication.
  • 15 years of implant evolution, what have we learned?
    The biological width around dental implants: importance in restoration, surgical and prosthetic procedures.
  • Management of the implant / abutment interface area (IAI): the key point for the ideal complete integration of the final restoration.
  • Interfaces in implant therapy: a biologically driven concept.
  • Covering bone interface, soft tissue interface, restorative interface and esthetic interface through an interactive lecture, discussion and evaluation of treated clinical cases.
  • The one abutment one time concept: surgical and prosthetic considerations
    Digital approach for idealizing the integration of the prosthetic outcome.
  • Prosthetic and surgical planning: preserve, recreate or replace the soft tissue morphology around implants.
  • Soft tissue management in the esthetic area in cases with delayed approach: prosthetic aspects and techniques.
  • Soft tissue management in the esthetic area in cases with immediate function: prosthetic aspects and technique.
  • The role of a multidisciplinary approach in modern restorative dentistry.
  • How to transfer the soft tissue morphology to the LAB? Digital vs Analogic.
  • The treatment of the fully edentulous patient with implants: strategy and solutions. Occlusal and biomechanical aspects.
  • Live surgery broadcast from Dr. Staas’ clinic with moderation and Q&A with Dr. Tristan Staas and Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
  • Hands-on Nobel Biocare N1™ implant system: From treatment planning to provisional printing
  • Demos Patient journey through the digital workflow. Tour of the Dental Experience Center.
Nobel Biocare Dental Experience Center

Juillet 2024

Criteria for choosing zygomatic implants

Juil 04, 2024
Dr. Chantal Malavez

Zygomatic implant treatment plays a pivotal role in rehabilitating edentulous maxillae, especially in cases of extreme bone atrophy. This session deep dives in the essential criteria for selecting zygomatic implants as the treatment option,  emphasizing on anatomical guided decision making process, surgical concepts, and the importance of specialized skill training. Where are the boundaries for Zygoma treatment vs other full arch rehabilitation protocols?


Digital experience center: Tudo o que precisa de saber sobre implantologia 100% digital

Juil 05, 2024
Leipzig, DE
Dr José Pedro Dias da Silva

A Nobel Biocare foca-se todos os dias em melhorar a eficiência, a velocidade, a segurança e a rentabilidade dos seus produtos para que, enquanto profissionais de implantologia, possam oferecer resultados magníficos aos vossos pacientes.

Português (europeu)
Porsche Experience Center

Criteria for choosing zygomatic implants (FR)

Juil 09, 2024
Dr. Chantal Malavez

Zygomatic implant treatment plays a pivotal role in rehabilitating edentulous maxillae, especially in cases of extreme bone atrophy. This session deep dives in the essential criteria for selecting zygomatic implants as the treatment option,  emphasizing on anatomical guided decision making process, surgical concepts, and the importance of specialized skill training. Where are the boundaries for Zygoma treatment vs other full arch rehabilitation protocols?


Septembre 2024

Patient selection for zygomatic implant treatment

Sep 05, 2024
Dr. Shuaib Malik

Zygomatic implants (ZIs) have emerged as a valuable solution for patients with complex dental conditions, particularly those with severe maxillary bone atrophy or deficiency. In this session we would like to deep dive on the critical aspects around patient selection for zygomatic implant treatment including indications, Survival rates and complications, as well as clinical recommendations.

Patient selection for zygomatic implant treatment requires careful consideration of individual factors, expertise, and a thorough understanding of the indications and potential complications. Clinicians play a pivotal role in ensuring optimal outcomes for patients seeking this complex treatment modality  


Octobre 2024

Curso avanzado para convertir mi clínica dental en un centro especializado en implantes dentales. 2ª Edición

Oct 17, 2024-
Juin 13, 2025
Gorráiz, ES
Dr Angel Fernández Bustillo

La implantología moderna se ha convertido en la especialidad motor de nuestras clínicas. La gestión, comunicación y elaboración de protocolos condicionan nuestros recursos y formas de trabajar.

En este curso, queremos trasmitir los conceptos quirúrgicos, protésicos y estéticos necesarios para poder planificar y ejecutar cualquier caso de implantes, en un entorno predecible en el tiempo, gestionando nuestros recursos de la forma más eficiente.



  • Organizar, gestionar y dirigir el protocolo de primera visita, diagnóstico, elaboración de plan de tratamiento y formas de plantear el presupuesto y plan económico.
  • Historia clínica del paciente de implantes, manejo clínico de factores de riesgo, metabolopatías, anticoagulantes, enfermedades sistemas, bifosfonatos, enfermedades psiquiátricas y neurológicas a tener en cuenta.
  • Entender la biología y traducción clínica del hueso crestal, factor que condiciona la técnica quirúrgica, el diseño protésico, la prevención de la periimplantitis y la fidelización del paciente.
  • Aprender las técnicas quirúrgicas y el manejo de sus complicaciones, así como su planificación para poder tratar cualquier caso con seguridad.
  • Entender la importancia del diseño de la prótesis y su mantenimiento, sus conceptos mecánicos y biológicos e incorporar una gestión del laboratorio moderna, con visión clínica y de crecimiento asumiendo unos protocolos de eficiencia en los controles del gasto.
  • Incorporar los conceptos de estética facial así como aprender todas las técnicas de estética y manejo de rellenos.
Hotel Castillo de Gorraiz

Novembre 2024

Basic Implantology Course

Nov 02 - 08, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
Dra. Ana Filipa Gonçalves
Dr. Hugo Pinto

This intensive course enables the clinicians to develop essential skills and achieve excellency in Implantology. The goal is to acquire knowledge, increase the clinical experience level, or recycle and acquire greater know how, through intense work with patients.

GSD Academy

Masterclass in esthetic implant and restorative dentistry 2024

Nov 07 - 09, 2024
Zurich, CH
Dr. med. dent. Elena Mühlemann
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., PhD Mutlu Özcan
PD Dr. med. dent. Alexis Ioannidis
Prof. Dr. med. dent., PhD, MSc Tim Joda
PD Dr. med. dent. Nadja Naenni
Dr. med. dent. Anina Zürcher
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Thoma
Mr. Andrea Patrizi
Dr. med. dent. Marc Balmer
Prof. Dr. med. dent. PhD Ronald Jung

Nobel Biocare welcomes you to the University of Zurich.

Enroll in this advanced course to enhance your surgical and restorative skills through direct interaction with a team of internationally renowned implant dentistry and prosthetics experts. Working closely with your peers in an interactive environment, you will benefit from master lectures, hands-on workshops, and live surgeries. Your know-how will be enhanced in practical planning sessions, complex case discussions, and opportunities to use the latest technologies. Expand your international network in the unforgettable city of Zurich in beautiful Switzerland.

We look forward to seeing you!

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance from the University of Zurich including 21 CME credits.

Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich

Flapless immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the esthetic zone

Nov 15 - 16, 2024
The Hague, NL
Dr Tristan Staas
Dr Edith Groenendijk

Learning objective

Flapless immediate implant placement and provisionalization (FIIPP) is a modern treatment method characterized by fast time-to-teeth, less surgical interventions with equal or better prosthetic results and better patient acceptance.

Dr. Edith Groenendijk and Dr. Tristan Staas have recently published a peer-reviewed study on the Flapless Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization (FIIPP) technique and the factors that affect its esthetic outcomes.  

In this course, they will take you through each step of FIIPP, from diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical and prosthetic protocols, demonstrating the methods that can optimize predictable, long-term success.

  • Point out the crucial steps that will lead to a predictable treatment outcome
  • How to achieve primary stability needed for immediate loading
  • Step-by-step procedure by means of literature, cases and live surgery
  • Digital planning and prosthetic workflow
  • Get familiar with the surgical protocol for NobelActive, a reliable implant solution for high initial stability and soft and hard tissue preservation



Implantologie Den Haag

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

La FOR est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif prônant la science, l’éducation et l’humanité dans la restauration bucco-dentaire. Le site Web offre des centaines de ressources de formation pour les professionnels dentaires : plus de 300 vidéos conférences d’éminents experts. Près de 100 documentations de cas cliniques. Manuels et articles numériques interactifs. Recommandations de traitement de pointe. Et bien plus encore. Entièrement gratuit. Inscrivez-vous maintenant et accédez à toutes les ressources.

Des questions ? Il suffit de demander. 

Si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez ou avez besoin d’informations supplémentaires sur les événements, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
