
Apprenez aux côtés des plus grands experts internationaux ! Nos formations couvrent tous les sujets, du diagnostic et de la planification du traitement aux flux de travail chirurgicaux et prothétiques. Nous abordons également certains des protocoles les plus complexes et les plus avancés pour gérer de potentielles complications.


Juillet 2024

Go White or Go Pink? Hard and Soft Tissue Management

Juil 25 - 26, 2024
Quarry Bay, HK
Dr. Jack Ji

Why do I need to know about hard tissue augmentation?

  • To expand my treatment scope for my patients regarding dental implant therapy
  • To know how to evaluate the difficulty of the clinical scenario and be prepared to manage the complications
  • To establish critical thinking regarding biomaterial selections instead of getting easily manipulated by different sales regimes of dental products


Why do I need to know about soft tissue augmentation?

  • To keep updated with modern periodontics and implant dentistry by understanding the importance of soft tissue quality and quantity around natural teeth and dental implants
  • To minimize postoperative complications of hard tissue augmentations
  • To prevent biological peri-implant complications and excel in dental implant therapy
  • To learn how to manage complications in dental implant therapy


Why do I want to take two days off and invest my time and money into this course?

  • To obtain a comprehensive understanding of hard tissue augmentation with the integral support of soft tissue management
  • To provide long-term implant stability and high-quality care to my patients
  • To kill two birds with one stone by learning both hard and soft tissue augmentations in one goal
  • To grow more competent in providing comprehensive dental implant therapy
Nobel Biocare Training Centre

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

La FOR est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif prônant la science, l’éducation et l’humanité dans la restauration bucco-dentaire. Le site Web offre des centaines de ressources de formation pour les professionnels dentaires : plus de 300 vidéos conférences d’éminents experts. Près de 100 documentations de cas cliniques. Manuels et articles numériques interactifs. Recommandations de traitement de pointe. Et bien plus encore. Entièrement gratuit. Inscrivez-vous maintenant et accédez à toutes les ressources.

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