
Учитесь у ведущих экспертов со всего мира. Наши курсы охватывают все аспекты дентальной имплантации от диагностики и планирования лечения до хирургических и ортопедических протоколов. Мы даже затрагиваем тему сложных новейших протоколов профилактики осложнений.

Сентябрь 2024

Implant Education Company - 3 Day Live Surgical All-on-4® Treatment Concept Course with Digital Workflow

Сен 18 - 20, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Joe Mehranfar

A unique live surgical opportunity to learn the All on 4® treatment with digital workflow from expert instructors.

Each attending dentist will treat an upper and lower arch and learn the digital workflow process to immediate temporization of a 3D printed prosthesis.

Implant Education Company

Октябрь 2024

CII: 3-Day Advanced Bone Grafting Program

Окт 24 - 26, 2024
San Diego, CA, US
Christopher Church
Dr Louie Al-Faraje
This 6 day comprehensive LIVE patient program covers the treatment planning, surgical, prosthetic, and laboratory phases of the full-arch immediate-load prostheses for edentulous patients and those with terminal dentition. Each participant will surgically treat two immediate loading cases using the All-on-4® treatment concept. Also, attendees will be observing and participating as a group in immediate restorations of full-arch immediate loading cases covering both the direct and indirect method of this procedure. The laboratory protocols will be extensively covered during the program as well.
California Implant Institute

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