Учитесь у ведущих экспертов со всего мира. Наши курсы охватывают все аспекты дентальной имплантации от диагностики и планирования лечения до хирургических и ортопедических протоколов. Мы даже затрагиваем тему сложных новейших протоколов профилактики осложнений.
Tип мероприятия
Ноябрь 2024
Basic Implantology Course
This intensive course enables the clinicians to develop essential skills and achieve excellency in Implantology. The goal is to acquire knowledge, increase the clinical experience level, or recycle and acquire greater know how, through intense work with patients.
Sinus Lift Course
Full Arch Immediate Load Course
Immediate Implants Course
Nobel Biocare LIVE – das Webinar zur digitalen Zukunft Ihrer Praxis
Webinar für die neue Effizienz in Ihrer Praxis.
Mit unserem Webinar zur Digitalisierung möchten wir Ihnen den Start zum digitalen Workflow in Ihrer Praxis erleichtern. Deshalb laden wir Sie und Ihr Praxisteam herzlich ein, am 6. November live dabei zu sein.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr Team von Nobel Biocare
Surgical Navigation Clinical Residency
Chirurgie und Implantologie – Hands-On an der Bayerischen Landeszahnärztekammer
Implantologie einmal anders betrachtet. Modul 5 – Implantatprothetik. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten im Wandel der Zeit
N1 Implant Evolution
Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserem Netzwerkabend in Berlin ein und haben ein spannendes Thema für Sie vorbereitet:
Nobel Biocare N1™ Implantatsystem
Nobel Biocare N1™ ist mehr als nur ein Implantat – es ist ein umfassendes System aus speziellen Instrumenten, prothetischen Komponenten und chirurgischen Protokollen, das entwickelt wurde, um für Sie jeden klinischen Arbeitsschritt zu erleichtern.
Designed for those that want to broaden their experience in implant dentistry on total edentulous patients, including Zygoma cases, this training covers the All-on-4® surgical protocol in detail concentrating on all existing approaches – Standard, Hybrid and Double-Zygoma – offering participants a comprehensive training that will allow them to gain the skills and know-how to successfully rehabilitate atrophic mandibles/maxillae as well as severely resorbed maxillae in just a few hours.
Study Club Karlsruhe
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
gerne informieren wir Sie über unseren bevorstehenden Study Club.
Wir haben für Sie wieder ein spannendes Thema vorbereitet:
Nobel Biocare N1™ Implantatsystem
Nobel Biocare N1™ ist mehr als nur ein Implantat, es ist ein umfassendes System aus speziellen Instrumenten, prothetischen Komponenten und chirurgischen Protokollen, das entwickelt wurde, um für Sie jeden klinischen Arbeitsschritt zu erleichtern.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr Team von Nobel Biocare
Декабрь 2024
Full Arch Rehabilitation Course
Nobel Biocare Connect – Der Stammtisch in Halle
Der beste Zahnersatz ist der, den man nicht sehen kann!
Auf dem Weg dahin stehen Ihnen digitale Helfer und gute Partner zur Seite. Deswegen möchten wir Sie zum Nobel Biocare Connect Stammtisch einladen, für den wir ein junges und modernes Behandler-Team aus Magdeburg gewinnen konnten, die Ihnen Checklisten für eine gesicherte Behandlung von anatomischen und implantatgetragenem Zahnersatz mitbringen werden. Wir freuen uns, interessierte Kolleginnen und Kollegen begrüßen zu können und starten damit die Stammtischreihe bei unseren freundlichen und geschätzten Gastgebern von HAL-Dent!
Февраль 2025
All-on-4® surgical protocol – high skilled & zygoma maxilla rehabilitation | February edition
Designed for surgeons with extensive experience in implant dentistry the course covers the All-on-4® surgical protocol in detail mainly concentrating on high skilled cases as well as the combination of this technique with the use of zygoma implants – hybrid and double-Zygoma approaches – offering a comprehensive training that will allow you to gain the skills and know- how to successfully rehabilitate resorbed maxillae in just a few hours.
The All-on-4® concept is one of the breakthroughs in Implant Dentistry, allowing the rehabilitation of the majority of edentulous arches without the need of bone grafting. Created at MALO CLINIC, the All-on-4® concept it is backed up by more than 20 years of clinical research with excellent long-term results.
The secret for that success has been the constant evolution of the protocols that receive great attention from our side. Today, the All-on-4® concept is up to date with the digital revolution in Implant Dentistry, allowing to upgrade surgical and prosthodontic protocols following a full digital workflow.
Including live surgery and a zygoma hands-on session, the course will take you through all the relevant aspects of the MALO CLINIC Protocol, from patient selection to treatment planning, and anatomic and imaging considerations, all the way through to the fitting of the immediate and final prostheses so you can offer immediate function to your patients even when facing with atrophic and extremely atrophic maxilla cases.
We encourage you to bring your own cases for discussion and a mentorship program is included to support you on your first cases.
Hopefully when you get back to your office, you will be able to call back a few patients to offer them this new alternative.
Learning outcomes
- Re-thinking oral rehabilitation – solutions for rehabilitating atrophic maxilla cases (high skilled & zygoma cases)
- Patient selection and treatment planning – Indication for zygomatic implants & pre-operatory
- Patient Assessment
- How to manage possible Zygoma cases complications
- The esthetic possibilities of All-on-4® Protocol - Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Zygoma cases
- All-on-4® protocol surgeries – Live Zygoma case(s)
- Zygoma Hands-on Session
Clinical residence with Prof. Paulo Malo
2 Days of Clinical Residence with Prof. Paulo Malo, doing All-on-4® cases, Zygoma cases and single as well multiple implants in complex cases. Introduction to different techniques and new products: Hands-on, live surgery, lectures, prosthetics considerations and clinical case discussions. Follow complex prosthetic cases with the Malo Dental team.
The All-on-4® treatment concept is a highly efficient and effective solution for patients who are edentulous or facing tooth loss. This innovative approach uses four implants to support a full-arch prosthesis, which can be delivered immediately, offering patients rapid and reliable results. During 2 Days of Clinical Residence with Prof. Paulo Malo, the pioneer of the All-on-4®protocol, will guide on how the patient will have immediate function and excellent esthetics with a limited number of implants This course also introduces a variety of other cases such as zygoma, single and multiple implants through hands-on activities, live surgeries, lectures, prosthetic considerations, and clinical case discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to follow complex prosthetic cases guided by Prof. Paulo Malo, gaining practical skills and deeper clinical insight.
Learning outcomes:
- Explore different techniques and new products through hands-on activities, live surgeries, and in-depth lectures.
- Gain insight into prosthetic considerations by following complex clinical cases with the expert team.
- Understand the application of advanced surgical and prosthetic protocols in patient care.
- Participate in clinical case discussions to enhance decision-making and treatment planning skills.
Март 2025
"BE NOBEL" – Moderne digitale Implantologie in 5 Modulen
Zygoma: From fundamental concepts to practical application
Join us for “Zygoma: From fundamental concepts to practical application,” a comprehensive course led by Dr. Ruben Davo and Dr. Alexandra Marques. This three-day event covers everything from the history and anatomical considerations of zygomatic implants to advanced techniques and practical applications. You’ll explore various implant approaches, including intrasinus, sinus slot, and extrasinus techniques, as well as alternative graftless methods like transnasal and pterigopalatine implants. The course includes hands-on sessions with 3D models and cadavers, live surgery observations, and digital workflow integration. You’ll also learn about prosthesis design, facial aesthetics, and navigation technology for precision placement, with a focus on avoiding complications. This course ensures you gain the skills and knowledge to effectively apply zygomatic implant techniques in your practice.
Learning outcomes
- Understand the history and development of zygomatic implants.
- Gain detailed knowledge of facial anatomy relevant to zygomatic implants.
- Learn anatomically guided placement techniques, including intrasinus, sinus slot, and extrasinus methods.
- Explore alternative graftless approaches like transnasal and pterigopalatine implants.
- Compare and understand different zygomatic implant approaches, including Quad, Hybrid, and Unilateral.
- Practice zygomatic implant techniques using 3D models and cadavers.
- Observe live zygomatic implant surgery and understand digital workflow integration.
- Learn effective surgical planning methods for zygomatic implants.
- Design, fabricate, and fit prostheses for zygomatic implants.
- Enhance facial aesthetics using fillers in conjunction with zygomatic implants.
- Integrate navigational technology for precision in implant placement.
- Identify and prevent complications in zygomatic implant surgery.
Basic Implantology Course
This intensive course enables the clinicians to develop essential skills and achieve excellency in Implantology. The goal is to acquire knowledge, increase the clinical experience level, or recycle and acquire greater know how, through intense work with patients.
Sinus Lift Course
Immediate Implants Course
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