Eventi e congressi

Impara da esperti leader del settore in tutto il mondo. I corsi sono dedicati a tutti gli argomenti, dalla diagnosi, alla pianificazione del trattamento e ai processi chirurgici e protesici. Sono inoltre trattati protocolli complessi e avanzati per la gestione di potenziali complicanze.

Scopri di più sugli Zurich Digital Days presso il Dental Experience Center.

Giugno 2024

Zurich Digital Day - Le digital au service de l'implantologie

Giugno 17 - 18, 2024
Kloten, CH
Dr Matthieu Ghibaudo
Dr Renaud Noharet

Nobel Biocare se mobilise pour vous proposer une parfaite découverte de ses solutions digitales au sein de son Dental Experience Center à Zurich.

Une immersion complète et sur mesure au sein du « Dental Experience Center » à Zurich, afin de parcourir l’ensemble des solutions digitales Nobel Biocare.

Une approche concrète et pratique entremêlée de conférences et workshops portés sur l’ensemble des étapes du flux numérique.


Nobel Biocare

Biologically driven surgical and prosthetic protocols: The new normal in implant dentistry

Giugno 28 - 29, 2024
Kloten, CH-ZH, CH
Scopri di più
Dr Tristan Staas
Dr Giacomo Fabbri


Join this masterclass in which the current scientific improvements will be discussed, regarding osseointegration, mucointegration and ‘one abutment one time’ protocols from anterior esthetic rehabilitation to full-arch rehabilitations. We will look back on what we have learned in the last 15 years of implantology and look forward to new possibilities in the field of digital technology, implant and abutment surfaces, new abutment and restorative concepts, a selection of restorative materials and planning the emergence profile with a biologically driven concept.

The course will be interactive, where science and clinical practice will come together.


Course objectives & details

The course will cover in-depth discussion and learnings in the following topics:

  • Esthetic therapy in fixed prosthodontics: step by step analysis and workflow.
    Digitalization of the dental clinic: a new clinical workflow and an amazing tool for the communication.
  • 15 years of implant evolution, what have we learned?
    The biological width around dental implants: importance in restoration, surgical and prosthetic procedures.
  • Management of the implant / abutment interface area (IAI): the key point for the ideal complete integration of the final restoration.
  • Interfaces in implant therapy: a biologically driven concept.
  • Covering bone interface, soft tissue interface, restorative interface and esthetic interface through an interactive lecture, discussion and evaluation of treated clinical cases.
  • The one abutment one time concept: surgical and prosthetic considerations
    Digital approach for idealizing the integration of the prosthetic outcome.
  • Prosthetic and surgical planning: preserve, recreate or replace the soft tissue morphology around implants.
  • Soft tissue management in the esthetic area in cases with delayed approach: prosthetic aspects and techniques.
  • Soft tissue management in the esthetic area in cases with immediate function: prosthetic aspects and technique.
  • The role of a multidisciplinary approach in modern restorative dentistry.
  • How to transfer the soft tissue morphology to the LAB? Digital vs Analogic.
  • The treatment of the fully edentulous patient with implants: strategy and solutions. Occlusal and biomechanical aspects.
  • Live surgery broadcast from Dr. Staas’ clinic with moderation and Q&A with Dr. Tristan Staas and Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
  • Hands-on Nobel Biocare N1™ implant system: From treatment planning to provisional printing
  • Demos Patient journey through the digital workflow. Tour of the Dental Experience Center.
Nobel Biocare Dental Experience Center

Luglio 2024

Implant Dentistry for Dental Nurses

Luglio 20, 2024
Wilmslow, GB
Adele Holland
An introduction to implantology for dental assistants with no or minimal experience, to gain knowledge from both clinical and patients perspective. Understand the importance of your role not only during procedures but in on-going patient communication. This one day course will consist of hands-on training for implant placement including draping procedures.
8 credits
The Stanneylands Inn and Hotel

Settembre 2024

La maintenance sur implants

Sett 19, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Mr. Thomas Moureau

L'hygiène dentaire n'a plus de secret pour vous, qu'en est-il des implants?

Une surface rugueuse métallique ankylosée dans l'os n'est pas analysée de la même manière qu'une surface lisse, logée dans un système amortisseur et protecteur.

Tous les implants sont-ils les mêmes? Présentent-ils tous les mêmes fragilités face au techniques d'hygiène de nos patients? Comment puis-je au mieux organiser mon contrôle, mes conseils et mes actes pour être le plus performant pour les implants de mes patients?

Autant de questions et bien d'autres qui trouveront une réponse dans cet exposé.

Nobel Biocare Belgium

Clinical Implant Program: Démarrer en implantologie

Sett 23, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Mr. Eric Rompen
Mr. Sami El Masri
Nobel Biocare Belgium

18th Annual Educational Day - PiD Esthetics Group

Sett 27 - 28, 2024
Opfikon, CH
Dra. Alexandra Marques
Prof Jill Helms
Evelina Gineviciute
Dr Mathilda Qvarnström
Dr. Julie Erica Schlosser
Dr Edith Groenendijk
Jutta Roberts
Ana Grabowska
Dr Nicole Winitsky
Dr Ana Ferro
Rosa Gomez Laguna
Dr. Joanna Nilsson

Dear Clinicians,

We are delighted to extend a special invitation to our upcoming 18th Annual Educational Day.

This exclusive gathering is tailored to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of female dental clinicians.

Join us in the beautiful city of Zurich, Switzerland, for two days of insightful discussions and professional networking, This event offers a unique opportunity for everyone  to share their experiences in the field of dentistry. Esteemed speakers and influencers will share their knowledge on advancements, challenges, and the remarkable journey of women in dentistry.

This event is not just for professional development, but a celebration of your achievements and dedication to the dental community. Your presence will contribute to the success of this empowering event.

Jutta Roberts
P I D   E G   Founder and Manager, Nobel Biocare

Kameha Grand Zurich

Ottobre 2024

The Edinburgh Team Day Experience

Ott 04, 2024
Edinburgh, EDH, GB
Dr Tariq Ali
Dr. Scott MacLean
Andrew Forsyth
Dr Neeraj Puri
Dr Javier Bobes Bascaran
Dr Fiona Mackillop
We're offering a premium experience at Nobel Biocare, a journey into the future of dental solutions. This event held at The Balmoral, Edinburgh is a golden opportunity to immerse yourself and your team, in our cutting-edge dental solutions. Our Edinburgh Team Day will showcase Nobel Biocare's end-to-end digital solutions, offering you the opportunity to elevate the whole team with innovative methods for managing and treating patients. You'll have the chance to also engage with industry experts, exchange ideas and connect and collaborate with piers in your field.
The Balmoral Hotel

Level 7 Post Graduate Dental Implant Diploma

Ott 07, 2024-
Luglio 21, 2025
Glasgow, GB
Dr Tariq Ali
5 Units over 12 days at The Royal College 1 week mentoring at The Centre for Implant Dentistry
Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow

Demain, je travaille moi-même sur les implants de mes patients.

Ott 10, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Mr. Thomas Moureau

De nos jours, un dentiste ne peut plus faire abstraction des réhabilitations implantaires dans l’arsenal thérapeutique qu’il met à disposition de ses patients.

Nous décortiquerons, pas à pas, les différentes étapes et actes nécessaires au placement de la restauration prothétique, avec un focus sur la connexion conique, ainsi que les paramètres à respecter pour garantir le succès sur le long terme. La restauration sur implant n’aura plus de secret pour vous.

Nobel Biocare Belgium

Certificate in Implant Dentistry (EduQual SCQF Level 11)

Ott 18, 2024-
Sett 05, 2025
London, GB
Mr. David Guy
Now running for over 10 years, the certificate in implant dentistry year course is well known for it emphasis on practical teaching and the level of clinical competance that participants achieve. Learn to place implants in our exclusive Wimpole Street dental practice.
Guys Dental Implant Centre

Certificate in Advanced Implant Dentistry

Ott 19, 2024-
Sett 06, 2025
London, GB
Mr. David Guy

Take your implant dentistry to the next level. Learn advanced techniques including Guided surgery, DTX implant planning, All-on 4 5 6, Full arch immediate loading, advanced bone grafting and X-Guide surgery.

The Certificate in Advanced Implant Dentistry can be taken as a follow on course from the Certifcate in implant dentistry, forming the second stage of the diploma course, or as a stand alone course for those with significant pre-existing implant experience.

Guys Dental Implant Centre

Novembre 2024

Een patient met een indicatie voor een implantaat? Hoe zelf prothetisch werken.

Nov 07, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Dr Tim De Rouck

Orale implantologie is niet meer weg te denken uit het aanbod van behandelingen die u als mogelijke behandeloptie aan uw patiënt kan voorleggen.

Implantologie wordt steeds belangrijker in de algemene praktijk. Doorgaans ziet de algemeen practicus wel de indicatie en is hij daarnaast ook in steeds grotere mate bereid om de prothetische suprastructuur te vervaardigen. 

Aan de hand van klinische casussen en hands-on oefeningen wordt de cursist wegwijs gemaakt vanaf de diagnostiek tot de afbehandeling van de suprastructuur.

De cursist krijgt de kans om kennis te maken met de techniek en hindernissen tijdens de definitieve afdruk. Hij zal leren om een afgewogen keuze te maken tussen de verschillende implantaatopbouwen die beschikbaar zijn. Inzicht wordt verschaft in de methode van het plaatsen en vastzetten van prothetische structuren op implantaten.

Aan het einde van de dag heeft de deelnemer voldoende bagage gekregen om in vertrouwen zijn implantaatcasus aan te vatten. 

Nobel Biocare

Dicembre 2024

Zurich Digital Day - Le digital au service de l'implantologie

Dic 06 - 07, 2024
Kloten, CH
Dr Matthieu Ghibaudo
Dr Renaud Noharet

Nobel Biocare se mobilise pour vous proposer une parfaite découverte de ses solutions digitales au sein de son Dental Experience Center à Zurich.

Une immersion complète et sur mesure au sein du « Dental Experience Center » à Zurich, afin de parcourir l’ensemble des solutions digitales Nobel Biocare.

Une approche concrète et pratique entremêlée de conférences et workshops portés sur l’ensemble des étapes du flux numérique.

Nobel Biocare

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR è un'organizzazione globale senza scopo di lucro che sostiene la scienza, l'educazione e l'umanità nella riabilitazione orale. Il sito Web www.for.org offre centinaia di risorse di apprendimento per i professionisti del settore dentale: oltre 300 videoconferenze di esperti leader. Documentazioni di quasi 100 casi clinici. E-book ed e-paper interattivi. Linee guida di trattamento all'avanguardia. E molto di più. Completamente gratuiti. Iscriviti ora e accedi a tutte le risorse.

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