
Apprenez aux côtés des plus grands experts internationaux ! Nos formations couvrent tous les sujets, du diagnostic et de la planification du traitement aux flux de travail chirurgicaux et prothétiques. Nous abordons également certains des protocoles les plus complexes et les plus avancés pour gérer de potentielles complications.


Mai 2024

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 3

Mai 03 - 05, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Ron Zokol


Vancouver, BC



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Ron Zokol


Course dates

Core 1: April 12–14, 2024

Core 3: May 3–5, 2024

Core 2: May 31-June 2, 2024

Core 4: June 21–23, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Ron Zokol

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.


Core 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program - Dr. Ron Zokol

The first day of this 3-day program focuses on the science and protocols of utilizing PRF and PRP in different clinical applications. Venipuncture is taught by a highly experienced phlebotomy instructor. The remaining two days will be spent treating patients under the supervision of an experience DDI faculty member. Participants will apply their previous didactic and hands-on training, such as atraumatic extractions, implant placement, bone grafting, suturing, and much more. Our participants all agree that there is no better way to start placing implants routinely, than to complete the first few cases done with the supervision of an expert.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD

Core 4 : $2,495 USD


Formation Avancee en Implantologie - L’édentation Complète

Mai 16 - 18, 2024
Quebec, QC, CA
En savoir plus
Dr Adrien Pollini
Dr. Nancy Dubois
Dr. Jean El-Fata
Dr. Domenic Morielli




Session 1 - L'essentiel en implantologie Octobre 19-21, 2023

Session 2 - L’implantologie contemporaine zone postérieure Nov. 30-  Decembre 2, 2023

Session 3 - Reconstruction des défauts osseux Fevrier 2-4 2024

Session 4 - Implant en zone esthétique Avril 11-13, 2024

Session 5 - L'edentation complete 

Mai 16-18, 2023


Depuis des décennies, nous rêvons de partager nos connaissances et notre expérience clinique avec des dentistes ambitieux. Animés par l'idée de poursuivre des voies nouvelles et prospectives en formation dentaire, nous avons développé cinq sessions de perfectionnement en implantologie qui offrent aux participants une nouvelle expérience d’apprentissage. Cette expérience deviendra un moment déterminant dans votre développement professionnel continu, ce qui vous permettra d’élever votre pratique à un niveau supérieur. Grâce à cette formation spécialisée, nous offrons à nos participants une nouvelle vision de l’implantologie contemporaine. Une formation basée sur la littérature scientifique et des techniques appliquées cliniquement dans notre pratique depuis les 30 dernières années et qui vous permet d’offrir à vos patients des résultats optimaux et prévisibles.

Notre objectif est d’offrir des cours de perfectionnement avancés qui mettent les participants au défi, améliorent leur dextérité manuelle et leurs compétences tant chirurgicales que prothétiques afin qu'ils soient en mesure d'appliquer les techniques apprises dans leur propre pratique dès la fin du cours.

Peu importe votre niveau de formation en implantologie, ce cours est conçu pour vous laisser avec une confiance accrue, de nouvelles compétences et une pratique renouvelée. Une formation combinant des évidences scientifiques applicables cliniquement, des exercices pratiques et des chirurgies en direct sur patient.

Nos installations de formation modernes à Québec vous attendent avec un esprit unique et une atmosphère très particulière. Les amis et collègues que vous rencontrerez ici peuvent provenir d'horizons nationaux et professionnels très différents, mais ils ont un point en commun qui les unit tous : ils sont très passionnés par leur profession!





L’édentation Complète

La réhabilitation du maxillaire ou de la mandibule complètement édentés représente l'un des services de réhabilitation bucco-dentaire les plus importants offert en dentisterie implantaire. En effet, la perte de dents touche plus de 300 millions de personnes dans le monde, montrant également une augmentation de l'incidence chaque année (3%). Dans ce contexte, la réhabilitation chirurgicale et prothétique implanto-portée des patients atteints d’une atrophie modérée à sévère est difficile en raison de plusieurs facteurs spécifiques à la personne édentée. Les patients caractérisés par un édentement complet à long terme présentent souvent ces conditions uniques. L’atrophie engendrée par l’édentation limite les options de traitements offerts aux patients tant à la mandibule qu’au maxillaire supérieur.

Pour augmenter la prévisibilité de nos traitements, la planification et la chirurgie guidée sont de mise aujourd’hui. Au courant des années passées et avec l’évolution de la dentisterie numérique, nos traitements sont plus prévisibles avec un meilleur pronostic à long terme, cependant le traitement implantaire doit être toujours basé sur la restauration finale. Le clinicien doit donc maîtriser la planification chirurgicale et la gestion de la restauration finale avant de débuter le traitement.

Cette formation avancée de trois jours vous fournit tous les éléments essentiels pour maximiser les résultats tant chirurgicaux que prothétiques, de la planification jusqu’à la restauration finale.

Notre but est de vous transmettre toute l’information acquise de la littérature scientifique, applicable cliniquement, pour vous permettre de prendre la bonne décision selon la situation de chaque patient. Des exercices pratiques conçus spécifiquement pour perfectionner les techniques apprises et la chirurgie en direct, soigneusement sélectionnée, vous aidera à bien assimiler la matière afin d’amener votre pratique à un niveau supérieur.


  • Biologie et physiologie de la résorption osseuse
  • Planification virtuelle et exécution chirurgicale
  • Options de traitements chirurgicaux au maxillaire et à la mandibule
  • Options de traitements prothétiques au maxillaire et à la mandibule
  • Étapes du traitement chirurgical et prothétique
  • Mise en charge immédiate
  • Gestion des complications, suivi et maintien


  • Chirurgie sur modèle
  • Techniques d’empreintes
  • Indexation et conversion de la prothèse immédiate Chirurgie en direct sur patient
Français (Canada)

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 2

Mai 31 - Juin 02, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Faraj Edher


Vancouver, BC



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Ron Zokol


Course dates

Core 1: April 12–14, 2024

Core 3: May 3–5, 2024

Core 2: May 31–June 2, 2024

Core 4: June 21–23, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Ron Zokol

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.


Core 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program - Dr. Ron Zokol

The first day of this 3-day program focuses on the science and protocols of utilizing PRF and PRP in different clinical applications. Venipuncture is taught by a highly experienced phlebotomy instructor. The remaining two days will be spent treating patients under the supervision of an experience DDI faculty member. Participants will apply their previous didactic and hands-on training, such as atraumatic extractions, implant placement, bone grafting, suturing, and much more. Our participants all agree that there is no better way to start placing implants routinely, than to complete the first few cases done with the supervision of an expert.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD

Core 4 : $2,495 USD


Juin 2024

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 4

Juin 21 - 23, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Vancouver, BC



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Ron Zokol


Course dates

Core 1: April 12–14, 2024

Core 2: May 3–5, 2024

Core 3: May 31–June 2, 2024

Core 4: June 21–23, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Ron Zokol

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.


Core 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program - Dr. Ron Zokol

The first day of this 3-day program focuses on the science and protocols of utilizing PRF and PRP in different clinical applications. Venipuncture is taught by a highly experienced phlebotomy instructor. The remaining two days will be spent treating patients under the supervision of an experience DDI faculty member. Participants will apply their previous didactic and hands-on training, such as atraumatic extractions, implant placement, bone grafting, suturing, and much more. Our participants all agree that there is no better way to start placing implants routinely, than to complete the first few cases done with the supervision of an expert.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD

Core 4 : $2,495 USD


Septembre 2024

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 1

Sep 13 - 15, 2024
Richmond Hill, ON, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Bobby Birdi


Toronto, ON



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Course dates

Core 1:  September 13–15, 2024

Core 2: October 18–20, 2024

Core 3: November  8–10, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Rana Tarzemany

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD


Nobel Biocare Canada

DDI Core Implant Bootcamp - Calgary

Sep 19 - 22, 2024
Calgary, AB, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Faraj Edher


Calgary, AB

Course Dates

September 19-22, 2024

 Learning Topics

  • Surgical and prosthetic treatment planning
  • Virtual implant planning utilizing DTX Studio™
  • Prosthetic component selection guidelines
  • Screw retained vs. cement retained principles
  • Immediate provisional protocols
  • Occlusion overview
  • Anatomy considerations
  • Indications and contraindications for implant surgery
  • Principles of single tooth and multiple tooth implant placement 
  • Flap design and suturing
  • Pharmacology related to implant dentistry
  • Atraumatic extraction techniques  
  • Systems and bone grafting principles


Hands-on Exercises

  • Implant impressions
  • Fabrication of an immediate provisional
  • Implant placement
  • Flap design and suturing
  • Second stage implant surgery
  • Immediate implant placement
  • Socket grafting
  • Ridge augmentation


Dr. Bobby Birdi


Tuition: $3,500 USD


CE Credits : 32


Octobre 2024

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 2

Oct 18 - 20, 2024
Richmond Hill, ON, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Toronto, ON



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Course dates

Core 1:  September 13–15, 2024

Core 2: October 18–20, 2024

Core 3: November  8–10, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Rana Tarzemany

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD


Nobel Biocare Canada

DDI Core Implant Bootcamp - Winnipeg

Oct 24 - 27, 2024
Winnipeg, MB, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Winnipeg, MB

Course Dates

October 24-27, 2024

 Learning Topics

  • Surgical and prosthetic treatment planning
  • Virtual implant planning utilizing DTX Studio™
  • Prosthetic component selection guidelines
  • Screw retained vs. cement retained principles
  • Immediate provisional protocols
  • Occlusion overview
  • Anatomy considerations
  • Indications and contraindications for implant surgery
  • Principles of single tooth and multiple tooth implant placement 
  • Flap design and suturing
  • Pharmacology related to implant dentistry
  • Atraumatic extraction techniques  
  • Systems and bone grafting principles


Hands-on Exercises

  • Implant impressions
  • Fabrication of an immediate provisional
  • Implant placement
  • Flap design and suturing
  • Second stage implant surgery
  • Immediate implant placement
  • Socket grafting
  • Ridge augmentation


Dr. Ron Zokol


Tuition: $3,500 USD


CE Credits : 32


Novembre 2024

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 3

Nov 08 - 10, 2024
Richmond Hill, ON, CA
En savoir plus
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Toronto, ON



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Course dates

Core 1:  September 13–15, 2024

Core 2: October 4–6, 2024

Core 3: November  8–10, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Rana Tarzemany

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD


Nobel Biocare Canada

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

La FOR est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif prônant la science, l’éducation et l’humanité dans la restauration bucco-dentaire. Le site Web offre des centaines de ressources de formation pour les professionnels dentaires : plus de 300 vidéos conférences d’éminents experts. Près de 100 documentations de cas cliniques. Manuels et articles numériques interactifs. Recommandations de traitement de pointe. Et bien plus encore. Entièrement gratuit. Inscrivez-vous maintenant et accédez à toutes les ressources.

Des questions ? Il suffit de demander. 

Si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez ou avez besoin d’informations supplémentaires sur les événements, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
