
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

September 2024

La maintenance sur implants

Sep 19, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Mr. Thomas Moureau

L'hygiène dentaire n'a plus de secret pour vous, qu'en est-il des implants?

Une surface rugueuse métallique ankylosée dans l'os n'est pas analysée de la même manière qu'une surface lisse, logée dans un système amortisseur et protecteur.

Tous les implants sont-ils les mêmes? Présentent-ils tous les mêmes fragilités face au techniques d'hygiène de nos patients? Comment puis-je au mieux organiser mon contrôle, mes conseils et mes actes pour être le plus performant pour les implants de mes patients?

Autant de questions et bien d'autres qui trouveront une réponse dans cet exposé.

Nobel Biocare Belgium

Det digitala arbetsflödet från A-Ö

Sep 19, 2024
Ystad, SE
Anders Linderoth
Wissam Dirawi
Mats Christiansen
Under kvällen kommer Mats, Wissam och Anders ge er en inblick i det digitala arbetsflödet. - Vad behövs för att komma i gång och arbeta digitalt? - Vilka är tandteknikerns tips & tricks? - Kan och bör alla skanna, eller är det bara tandläkare som ska skanna? - Vilka fall lämpar sig bäst för digital skanning? - Används skanners för mer än bara avtryck? - Inom vilka områden kan en 3D printer användas?
Tandtekniska Laboratoriet i Ystad

Implant Education Company - Level 1 Dental Implant and Surgical Cadaver Program

Sep 19 - 20, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams

This comprehensive course is perfect for dentists who want to increase their knowledge and skill set in dental implant surgery.  The program will help you gain a solid foundation in the principles and techniques of implant surgery through extensive hands-on training exercises on models, suture pads, and cadavers.

Implant Education Company

Clinical Implant Program: Démarrer en implantologie

Sep 23, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Mr. Eric Rompen
Mr. Sami El Masri
Nobel Biocare Belgium

Implant Education Company - 3-Day Implant Surgical Program with Cadaver, 3D Printing, and Live Surgery

Sep 25 - 27, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams
Dr. Butch Ferguson

Elevate your dental career and register for our extensive implant surgical training program today. Gain hands-on experience, in-depth knowledge, and the confidence to excel in the field of dental implant surgery. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and provide your patients with the best possible care.

Implant Education Company

18th Annual Educational Day - PiD Esthetics Group

Sep 27 - 28, 2024
Opfikon, CH
Dra. Alexandra Marques
Prof Jill Helms
Evelina Gineviciute
Dr Mathilda Qvarnström
Dr. Julie Erica Schlosser
Dr Edith Groenendijk
Jutta Roberts
Ana Grabowska
Dr Nicole Winitsky
Dr Ana Ferro
Rosa Gomez Laguna
Dr. Joanna Nilsson

Dear Clinicians,

We are delighted to extend a special invitation to our upcoming 18th Annual Educational Day.

This exclusive gathering is tailored to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of female dental clinicians.

Join us in the beautiful city of Zurich, Switzerland, for two days of insightful discussions and professional networking, This event offers a unique opportunity for everyone  to share their experiences in the field of dentistry. Esteemed speakers and influencers will share their knowledge on advancements, challenges, and the remarkable journey of women in dentistry.

This event is not just for professional development, but a celebration of your achievements and dedication to the dental community. Your presence will contribute to the success of this empowering event.

Jutta Roberts
P I D   E G   Founder and Manager, Nobel Biocare

Kameha Grand Zurich

California Implant Institute: Basic to Intermediate implant surgery program

Sep 30 - Oct 05, 2024
Dr Louie Al-Faraje

6 -Days LIVE Patient Surgical Externship

California Implant Institute

October 2024

Implantatkirurgi med hands-on på griskäkar, inklusive benuppbyggnad

Oct 04, 2024
Malmö, SE
Learn More

Unik kurs med möjlighet till hands-on på griskäkar!

Den här kursen vänder sig till dig som har satt implantat under flera år och nu vill fördjupa dina kunskaper.
Kursen kommer fokusera på avancerade implantatfall samt vävnadsbevarande behandlingsmetoder på hård- och mjukvävnad.

Kursen tar upp

- Hands-on på griskäkar
- Horisontella benaugmentationer (hands-on)
- PTFE-membran (med och utan titan)
- Kollagenmembran
- Förankring av membran med pins (hands-on)
- Socket preservation
- Benersättningsmedel
- Indikationer och kontraindikationer
- Diskussion kring patientfall

Malmö Tandläkarcenter

Implant Education Company - Introduction to the digital workflow for the All-on-4® treatment concept

Oct 10 - 11, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Joe Mehranfar
Mr. Landon Winters

Join us as we delve into the exciting world of dental technology, where we uncover the obstacles we faced and conquered on our journey to becoming an all-digital dental implant center and laboratory.

Implant Education Company

Demain, je travaille moi-même sur les implants de mes patients.

Oct 10, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Mr. Thomas Moureau

De nos jours, un dentiste ne peut plus faire abstraction des réhabilitations implantaires dans l’arsenal thérapeutique qu’il met à disposition de ses patients.

Nous décortiquerons, pas à pas, les différentes étapes et actes nécessaires au placement de la restauration prothétique, avec un focus sur la connexion conique, ainsi que les paramètres à respecter pour garantir le succès sur le long terme. La restauration sur implant n’aura plus de secret pour vous.

Nobel Biocare Belgium

Comprehensive Immediate implants - Lessons from the last 25 years!

Oct 10 - 12, 2024
Coeur d'Alene, ID, US
Dr Joseph Kan
Dr Daniel Cullum

This course will teach advanced techniques for immediate management of esthetic zone, single and multi- rooted teeth in both maxillary and mandibular extraction sites.

Implants Northwest Live Learning Center

Get to know the All-on-4® treatment concept

Oct 11, 2024
Hässleholm, SE
All-on-4® treatment concept offers your patients immediate improvement in eating, comfort esthetics and speech. It’s a cost efficient graftless treatment concept and it helps you avoiding complex grafting especially for your patients with less bone. The patient can be provided with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the same day as surgery. You will learn how to use the All-on-4® treatment concept for optimal treatment, with a limited amount of bone, to fix a temporary acrylic solution. In addition to theory, the course will also include hands-on exercises as well as live surgery.
T4 ConfiDent

Masterclass guided and computer navigated surgery - FR

Oct 16, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Learn More
Mr. Michaël Gabai
Nobel Biocare Belgium

Restored Smiles - Pathway to Predictable and Successful Implant Placement - Session 1-2

Oct 18 - 19, 2024
Lompoc, CA, US
Dr. J.V. Huss

Learn how to place dental implants in to abundant bone predictably, efficiently, and successfully. This comprehensive course is filled with hands-on exercises to prepare you for socket preservation, flap design, implant placement, and suturing. With your purchase you will have access to Session One ONLINE curriculum for up to 1 year so that you can go back and review as often as you want.

Restored Smiles

När bygger vi uppåt? En påbyggnadskurs i GBR och sinuslyft

Oct 18 - 19, 2024
Ystad, SE
Inom dagens implantatkirurgi har vi fått olika hjälpmedel och implantat med egenskaper för att undvika större operationer och komp ens era för bristande bentillgång. Detta är givetvis välkommet, men ibland behöver vi göra sinuslyft av någon form och i viss utsträckning. Vi kan stöta på defekter som måste behandlas för att optimera våra behandlingar ur estetiska aspekter men fram för allt ur mekaniska. Denna k urs en fokuserar på att gå igenom olika tekniker för sinuslyft, samt GBR i de fall det kan behövas. Kursen riktar sig till tandläkare med viss implantatvana och vi varvar teori med mycket hands on. Efter kursens slut har vi gått igenom: Anatomi, fysiologi och olika kirurgiska tekniker Planering och olika sätt att kunna identifiera lättare och mer komplexa fall Möjligheter och begränsningar med olika material och tekniker Kirurgiska och protetiska principer Human Factors svagaste länken Olika material för benersättning och membran, samt hantering av dessa kliniskt Uppföljning och profylax
Tandvårdsakademin Ystad

Implant Education Company - 3-Day Implant Surgical Program with Cadaver, 3D Printing, and Live Surgery

Oct 23 - 25, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Butch Ferguson
Dr. Blake Adams

Elevate your dental career and register for our extensive implant surgical training program today. Gain hands-on experience, in-depth knowledge, and the confidence to excel in the field of dental implant surgery. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and provide your patients with the best possible care.

Implant Education Company

CII: 3-Day Advanced Bone Grafting Program

Oct 24 - 26, 2024
San Diego, CA, US
Christopher Church
Dr Louie Al-Faraje
This 6 day comprehensive LIVE patient program covers the treatment planning, surgical, prosthetic, and laboratory phases of the full-arch immediate-load prostheses for edentulous patients and those with terminal dentition. Each participant will surgically treat two immediate loading cases using the All-on-4® treatment concept. Also, attendees will be observing and participating as a group in immediate restorations of full-arch immediate loading cases covering both the direct and indirect method of this procedure. The laboratory protocols will be extensively covered during the program as well.
California Implant Institute

Startkurs i implantatkirurgi

Oct 25, 2024
Stockholm, SE
Välkommen till grundkursen inom implantatkirurgi. Den här kursen är riktad till dig som vill börja med implantatbehandling eller förbättra dina färdigheter. Kursen varvar teori med hands-on och patientfallsdiskussioner. Kursens innehåll - De biologiska och anatomiska aspekterna - Val av implantat och placering - Fördjupad förståelse för implantatens design, dess komponenter, kit och redskap - Clinical cases – vad kan vi lära oss från respektive fall? - Hands-on på benmodeller
Nordic Light Hotel

November 2024

Masterclass in esthetic implant and restorative dentistry 2024

Nov 07 - 09, 2024
Zurich, CH
Dr. med. dent. Elena Mühlemann
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., PhD Mutlu Özcan
PD Dr. med. dent. Alexis Ioannidis
Prof. Dr. med. dent., PhD, MSc Tim Joda
PD Dr. med. dent. Nadja Naenni
Dr. med. dent. Anina Zürcher
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Thoma
Mr. Andrea Patrizi
Dr. med. dent. Marc Balmer
Prof. Dr. med. dent. PhD Ronald Jung

Nobel Biocare welcomes you to the University of Zurich.

Enroll in this advanced course to enhance your surgical and restorative skills through direct interaction with a team of internationally renowned implant dentistry and prosthetics experts. Working closely with your peers in an interactive environment, you will benefit from master lectures, hands-on workshops, and live surgeries. Your know-how will be enhanced in practical planning sessions, complex case discussions, and opportunities to use the latest technologies. Expand your international network in the unforgettable city of Zurich in beautiful Switzerland.

We look forward to seeing you!

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance from the University of Zurich including 21 CME credits.

Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich

Een patient met een indicatie voor een implantaat? Hoe zelf prothetisch werken.

Nov 07, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Dr Tim De Rouck

Orale implantologie is niet meer weg te denken uit het aanbod van behandelingen die u als mogelijke behandeloptie aan uw patiënt kan voorleggen.

Implantologie wordt steeds belangrijker in de algemene praktijk. Doorgaans ziet de algemeen practicus wel de indicatie en is hij daarnaast ook in steeds grotere mate bereid om de prothetische suprastructuur te vervaardigen. 

Aan de hand van klinische casussen en hands-on oefeningen wordt de cursist wegwijs gemaakt vanaf de diagnostiek tot de afbehandeling van de suprastructuur.

De cursist krijgt de kans om kennis te maken met de techniek en hindernissen tijdens de definitieve afdruk. Hij zal leren om een afgewogen keuze te maken tussen de verschillende implantaatopbouwen die beschikbaar zijn. Inzicht wordt verschaft in de methode van het plaatsen en vastzetten van prothetische structuren op implantaten.

Aan het einde van de dag heeft de deelnemer voldoende bagage gekregen om in vertrouwen zijn implantaatcasus aan te vatten. 

Nobel Biocare

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

Questions? Just ask. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional event information, we want to hear from you.

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