
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

Find out more on our Zurich Digital Days at the Dental Experience Center.

June 2024

Digital Experience Center: Simplifica el flujo digital en tu clínica

Jun 07, 2024-
Jun 07, 2025
Llanera, ES
Dr Miguel Gonzalez Menéndez

Nobel Biocare se centra cada día en mejorar la eficiencia, la velocidad, la seguridad y la rentabilidad de sus productos para que vosotros, profesionales en implantología podáis ofrecer magníficos resultados a vuestros valiosos pacientes.


Conoce nuestro portfolio digital, incluyendo el escáner intraoral DEXIS™, el software de planificación DTX Studio™ Implant, la máquina X-Guide™ para cirugía navegada y la impresora digital SprintRay en esta actividad.

Museo y circuito Fernando Alonso

Estancia clínica de formación avanzada en cirugía implantológica digital

Jun 12 - 15, 2024
Alicante, ES
Dr. Carmen Pomares

El protocolo All-on-4 revolucionó el tratamiento de maxilares edéntulos hace 25 años. Este curso profundiza en las técnicas de Cirugía Guiada y Navegada, herramientas que hacen los tratamientos implantológicos más rápidos y precisos.

Este curso está dirigido a los profesionales que quieran profundizar en estas técnicas para implementarlas en su práctica diaria y ofrecer excelencia odontológica en sus clínicas. 

Se conocerán las técnicas de menos a más ofreciéndose 2 niveles:

  • Nivel Básico: Para aquellos doctores que quieran iniciarse en la implantología por ordenador, cirugía guiada y/o navegada para edentulismo total o parcial.
  • Nivel avanzado: Para aquellos doctores con experiencia en cirugía guiada y/o navegada que desean ampliar a una formación inmesrsiva en ambas técnicas así como en la fusión de ambas para edentulismo total o quieran adquirir conocimientos para realizar la técnica All-on-4 con un enfoque digital.

Tras finalizar el curso, se puede seguir ampliando la formación con cursos avanzados intensivos. Formación a consultar con el organizador.


All-on-4 - an effective and minimal invasive solution

Jun 14 - 15, 2024
Cambridge, GB
Mr. Wail Girgis
All-on-4 treatment concept offers your patients immediate improvement in eating, comfort esthetics and speech. It’s a cost-efficient graftless treatment concept and it helps you avoiding complex grafting especially for your patients with less bone. The patient can be provided with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the same day as surgery. Participants will learn how to use the All-on-4 concept for optimal treatment, with a limited amount of bone, to fix a temporary acrylic solution. In addition to theory, the course will also include hands-on exercises as well as live surgery.
Copley Hill Business Park

Meeting with the X-pert : X-Guide Center of Excellence Roundtable Dinner

Jun 25, 2024
Dr. James Chow
Prof. Alessandro Pozzi
Dr. Pascal Kunz
Mr. Ed Marandola

Dental navigation and digitalization is definitely the latest trend in the industry. X-Guide is a powerful tool for precisely navigating surgeries from single implants to full-arch reconstruction and everything in between available in market now. Featured AI acceleration will empower professionals to navigate all your implant surgeries with remarkable ease.

We are delighted to invite you to attend this exclusive event, the X-Guide Roundtable Dinner, hosted by Nobel Biocare Asia Ltd. This evening promises to be an engaging and insightful gathering of industry leaders.

The X-Guide Roundtable Dinner is an exceptional opportunity to connect with influential individuals and experts in the field. The event will focus on X-Guide® case sharing and introduction of the latest FastMap® navigated photogrammetry, providing a platform for valuable discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas. As a valued guest, you will have the chance to interact with professionals at the forefront of the industry, gaining insights into the latest advancements and emerging trends.

To Be Confirmed

All-on-4®y cirugía guiada

Jun 28 - 29, 2024
Madrid, ES
Learn More
Dr Jose Manuel Reuss Rodriguez Vilaboa

El concepto de tratamiento All-on-4® ofrece a los pacientes edéntulos y potencialmente edéntulos una prótesis de arcada completa sobre cuatro implantes el día de la cirugía consiguiendo así pacientes satisfechos con respecto a la función, la estética, los sentidos, el habla y la autoestima. Además, el concepto de tratamiento All-on-4® se puede combinar con un protocolo quirúrgico guiado.


En este curso se revisarán las ventajas de estos protocolos para el paciente y el cirujano, como mayor previsibilidad y seguridad, y se revisará el procedimiento paso a paso incluyendo la parte protésica.

Clínica Vilaboa

July 2024

Study Club Baleares. 9ª edición. Logrando resultados predecibles con implantes en el área estética: El enfoque “Crown Down”

Jul 05, 2024
Palma de Mallorca, ES
Dr Francesco Mintrone

Esta conferencia explorará un enfoque sistemático para la rehabilitación con implantes en zonas estéticas, comenzando con la identificación de la posición del borde incisal del incisivo central superior.


A través de una evaluación de las proporciones dentales, se determinará el margen gingival libre ideal futuro. Al localizar este margen y compararlo con la situación clínica actual, se identificarán diversas técnicas para garantizar un enfoque predecible desde el punto de vista protésico-quirúrgico.


La conferencia presentará casos paso a paso, abordando la colocación ideal de implantes, el diseño del colgajo quirúrgico y la gestión de los tejidos duros y blandos en diferentes escenarios clínicos, incluyendo la regeneración vertical. Además, se evaluarán las secuencias y materiales protésicos para lograr resultados estéticos óptimos

Melià Palma Bay

Implant Dentistry for Dental Nurses

Jul 20, 2024
Wilmslow, GB
Adele Holland
An introduction to implantology for dental assistants with no or minimal experience, to gain knowledge from both clinical and patients perspective. Understand the importance of your role not only during procedures but in on-going patient communication. This one day course will consist of hands-on training for implant placement including draping procedures.
8 credits
The Stanneylands Inn and Hotel

Go White or Go Pink? Hard and Soft Tissue Management

Jul 25 - 26, 2024
Quarry Bay, HK
Dr. Jack Ji

Why do I need to know about hard tissue augmentation?

  • To expand my treatment scope for my patients regarding dental implant therapy
  • To know how to evaluate the difficulty of the clinical scenario and be prepared to manage the complications
  • To establish critical thinking regarding biomaterial selections instead of getting easily manipulated by different sales regimes of dental products


Why do I need to know about soft tissue augmentation?

  • To keep updated with modern periodontics and implant dentistry by understanding the importance of soft tissue quality and quantity around natural teeth and dental implants
  • To minimize postoperative complications of hard tissue augmentations
  • To prevent biological peri-implant complications and excel in dental implant therapy
  • To learn how to manage complications in dental implant therapy


Why do I want to take two days off and invest my time and money into this course?

  • To obtain a comprehensive understanding of hard tissue augmentation with the integral support of soft tissue management
  • To provide long-term implant stability and high-quality care to my patients
  • To kill two birds with one stone by learning both hard and soft tissue augmentations in one goal
  • To grow more competent in providing comprehensive dental implant therapy
Nobel Biocare Training Centre

September 2024

Immediate Implant Placement and Tissue Management in Esthetic Zone

Sep 07 - 08, 2024
Quarry Bay, HK
Dr. Loretta Yuen Lok Ching
Immediate implant placement can be challenging, especially in the aesthetic zone. How can we persistently achieve predictable results and longevity of the treatment? Immediate implant placement and provisionalisation (IIPP) is a well-documented treatment modality with long-term success rate. The key is understanding the perfect balance of biology and prosthetics to achieve a natural, harmonised outcome. Understanding the limitations and different techniques of hard tissue grafting and soft tissue manipulation procedures will facilitate achievement of optimal aesthetic outcome in complex cases. This course aims at explaining the indication, diagnosis, planning and execution with focus on current technologies and concepts to guide you through the thinking process.
Nobel Biocare Training Centre

Regeneración ósea avanzada - intensivo

Sep 19 - 21, 2024
Barcelona, ES
Iñaki Mayo
Programa que combina contenido teórico y práctico en el que el alumno adquirirá los conocimientos y la confianza suficiente para realizar tratamientos de regeneración en casos de atrofia maxilar, sus posibles complicaciones y la forma de solucionarlas.
Clínica Dental Mayo

All-on-4 - an effective and minimal invasive solution

Sep 20 - 21, 2024
London, GB
Dr. Katie Blake
Dr Amit Mistry
All-on-4 treatment concept offers your patients immediate improvement in eating, comfort esthetics and speech. It’s a cost-efficient graftless treatment concept and it helps you avoiding complex grafting especially for your patients with less bone. The patient can be provided with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the same day as surgery. Participants will learn how to use the All-on-4 concept for optimal treatment, with a limited amount of bone, to fix a temporary acrylic solution. In addition to theory, the course will also include hands-on exercises as well as live surgery.
Wellcome Collection

Diploma especialista universitario en cirugía, prótesis-oclusión sobre implantes y manejo de los tejidos blandos

Sep 26, 2024-
Feb 15, 2025
Madrid, ES
Dr Mariano Sanz Alonso
Dr Ignacio Sanz- Sánchez
Ana Carrillo
José Rábago
Dr. Guillermo Pradíes
Este curso supone una interesante oportunidad para adquirir la destreza suficiente para abordar los tratamientos de implantes dentales, de casos simples a complejos, tanto en el ámbito del diagnóstico, como del tratamiento, instrumental, técnicas y materiales. Se trata de un programa con una carga práctica del 70 % y destinado a un grupo reducido de alumnos. El principal objetivo es afianzar los suficientes conocimientos y adquirir la habilidad y confianza necesarias para que el alumno pueda establecer un correcto diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento de todas las situaciones clínicas posibles, en las que el tratamiento con implantes dentales es una opción terapéutica. En el quinto y último módulo veremos la rehabilitación protésica basada en las nuevas tecnologías, es un programa multidisciplinar que integra la aplicación de tratamientos quirúrgicos, periodontales y protésicos, con aparatología de última generación sobre todo en recursos digitales, y tecnología CAD/CAM. A través de la realización de este programa teórico-práctico conseguirás una serie de habilidades mínimas para introducirte en la Implantología clínica.

October 2024

The Edinburgh Team Day Experience

Oct 04, 2024
Edinburgh, EDH, GB
Dr Tariq Ali
Dr. Scott MacLean
Andrew Forsyth
Dr Neeraj Puri
Dr Javier Bobes Bascaran
Dr Fiona Mackillop
We're offering a premium experience at Nobel Biocare, a journey into the future of dental solutions. This event held at The Balmoral, Edinburgh is a golden opportunity to immerse yourself and your team, in our cutting-edge dental solutions. Our Edinburgh Team Day will showcase Nobel Biocare's end-to-end digital solutions, offering you the opportunity to elevate the whole team with innovative methods for managing and treating patients. You'll have the chance to also engage with industry experts, exchange ideas and connect and collaborate with piers in your field.
The Balmoral Hotel

Mentor program — Implant Treatment Planning, Surgical and Prosthetic Considerations 2024

Oct 07 - 28, 2024
Quarry Bay, HK
Dr. Daniel Fang
This four-day program covers a structured approach to diagnostics, treatment planning and safe implant placement from single-tooth to multiple teeth as well as marketing of the implant practice. It covers all the essential information needed to begin basic implant placement. These study sessions will provide a kick-start on the road to safe and successful implant rehabilitation for your patients. This program is hands-on focused in order to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, participants are invited to carry out the actual work on their first patient at Centre for Oral Rehabilitation under direct supervision of Dr. Fang. This course is specially designed for the general dentists who would like to incorporate implants into their daily practice. Your staff will also be trained so that they can be actively involved in helping you bring implant treatment into your practice. This Mentor program will give you the confidence to discuss implants as a treatment option with your patients and contribute to an increase in case acceptance.
Nobel Biocare Training Centre

Level 7 Post Graduate Dental Implant Diploma

Oct 07, 2024-
Jul 21, 2025
Glasgow, GB
Dr Tariq Ali
5 Units over 12 days at The Royal College 1 week mentoring at The Centre for Implant Dentistry
Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow

Curso avanzado para convertir mi clínica dental en un centro especializado en implantes dentales. 2ª Edición

Oct 17, 2024-
Jun 13, 2025
Gorráiz, ES
Dr Angel Fernández Bustillo

La implantología moderna se ha convertido en la especialidad motor de nuestras clínicas. La gestión, comunicación y elaboración de protocolos condicionan nuestros recursos y formas de trabajar.

En este curso, queremos trasmitir los conceptos quirúrgicos, protésicos y estéticos necesarios para poder planificar y ejecutar cualquier caso de implantes, en un entorno predecible en el tiempo, gestionando nuestros recursos de la forma más eficiente.



  • Organizar, gestionar y dirigir el protocolo de primera visita, diagnóstico, elaboración de plan de tratamiento y formas de plantear el presupuesto y plan económico.
  • Historia clínica del paciente de implantes, manejo clínico de factores de riesgo, metabolopatías, anticoagulantes, enfermedades sistemas, bifosfonatos, enfermedades psiquiátricas y neurológicas a tener en cuenta.
  • Entender la biología y traducción clínica del hueso crestal, factor que condiciona la técnica quirúrgica, el diseño protésico, la prevención de la periimplantitis y la fidelización del paciente.
  • Aprender las técnicas quirúrgicas y el manejo de sus complicaciones, así como su planificación para poder tratar cualquier caso con seguridad.
  • Entender la importancia del diseño de la prótesis y su mantenimiento, sus conceptos mecánicos y biológicos e incorporar una gestión del laboratorio moderna, con visión clínica y de crecimiento asumiendo unos protocolos de eficiencia en los controles del gasto.
  • Incorporar los conceptos de estética facial así como aprender todas las técnicas de estética y manejo de rellenos.
Hotel Castillo de Gorraiz

Certificate in Implant Dentistry (EduQual SCQF Level 11)

Oct 18, 2024-
Sep 05, 2025
London, GB
Mr. David Guy
Now running for over 10 years, the certificate in implant dentistry year course is well known for it emphasis on practical teaching and the level of clinical competance that participants achieve. Learn to place implants in our exclusive Wimpole Street dental practice.
Guys Dental Implant Centre

Certificate in Advanced Implant Dentistry

Oct 19, 2024-
Sep 06, 2025
London, GB
Mr. David Guy

Take your implant dentistry to the next level. Learn advanced techniques including Guided surgery, DTX implant planning, All-on 4 5 6, Full arch immediate loading, advanced bone grafting and X-Guide surgery.

The Certificate in Advanced Implant Dentistry can be taken as a follow on course from the Certifcate in implant dentistry, forming the second stage of the diploma course, or as a stand alone course for those with significant pre-existing implant experience.

Guys Dental Implant Centre

November 2024

All-on-4 - an effective and minimal invasive solution

Nov 08 - 09, 2024
Cambridge, GB
Mr. Wail Girgis
All-on-4 treatment concept offers your patients immediate improvement in eating, comfort esthetics and speech. It’s a cost-efficient graftless treatment concept and it helps you avoiding complex grafting especially for your patients with less bone. The patient can be provided with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the same day as surgery. Participants will learn how to use the All-on-4 concept for optimal treatment, with a limited amount of bone, to fix a temporary acrylic solution. In addition to theory, the course will also include hands-on exercises as well as live surgery.
Copley Hill Business Park

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

Questions? Just ask. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional event information, we want to hear from you.