
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

Find out more on our Zurich Digital Days at the Dental Experience Center.

October 2024

A to Z digital implant dentistry

Oct 01 - 05, 2024
Roma, IT-RM, IT
Prof Alessandro Pozzi

This interactive course is structured to provide step-by-step training at a very personal level. It employs case-based learning by emphasizing evidence-based learning for daily usage. Participants will learn from the basic tools to the latest advancements in digital implant dentistry. Streamlined clinical and digital workflows will be presented to increase efficiency and clinical outcomes. All the secrets of static guided surgery and X-Guide dynamic navigation will be unveiled to discern when and how to use the different surgical options, including the review of the current CBCT, IOS and Face scanning technologies. The DTX Studio Clinic, DTX Studio Implant and DTX Studio Lab software will be presented, explaining how to simplify the digital workflow for predictable guided immediate implant placement and immediate loading. The digital implant planning rules for anterior, posterior and full arch cases will be reviewed and updated to achieve biological, functional and esthetic success. The attendees will improve their own confidence and skills with digital planning through immersive software hands-on.

Indications and limitations of the static and dynamic guided surgery will be reviewed and discussed, from simple flapless to advanced procedures, including digital assisted soft tissue sculpturing (DASS Technique), Guided Socket Shield protocols and DyNav. Special emphasis will be given to interdisciplinary digitally assisted treatment planning and final aesthetics in the different clinical scenarios

Maximum number of participants: 15 - 24.
Participation fee: EUR 5,000. (Please note for customers registering in Italy 22% VAT is added to the participation fee. Total fee = EUR 6,100)
Language: English

Discounts for labs and clinic managers. Contact

Studio Pozzi

Implantatkirurgi med hands-on på griskäkar, inklusive benuppbyggnad

Oct 04, 2024
Malmö, SE
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Unik kurs med möjlighet till hands-on på griskäkar!

Den här kursen vänder sig till dig som har satt implantat under flera år och nu vill fördjupa dina kunskaper.
Kursen kommer fokusera på avancerade implantatfall samt vävnadsbevarande behandlingsmetoder på hård- och mjukvävnad.

Kursen tar upp

- Hands-on på griskäkar
- Horisontella benaugmentationer (hands-on)
- PTFE-membran (med och utan titan)
- Kollagenmembran
- Förankring av membran med pins (hands-on)
- Socket preservation
- Benersättningsmedel
- Indikationer och kontraindikationer
- Diskussion kring patientfall

Malmö Tandläkarcenter

Implant Maintenance Course

Oct 10 - 11, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dr. Miguel De Araújo Nobre
The constant evolution in Implant Dentistry with new materials, techniques and methods, along with a higher quality and expectancy of life of the rehabilitated patients, demands a continuing update and education by the clinicians in order to satisfactorily address the challenges that an implant-supported rehabilitation might present.

All-on-4® Clinical Residency

Oct 11 - 12, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dra. Ana Ferro
Dr. Armando Lopes

The All-on-4® concept is one of the breakthroughs in Implant Dentistry, allowing the rehabilitation of the majority of edentulous arches without the need of bone grafting. The All-on-4® concept is backed up by more than 20 years of clinical research with excellent long-term results.


Get to know the All-on-4® treatment concept

Oct 11, 2024
Hässleholm, SE
All-on-4® treatment concept offers your patients immediate improvement in eating, comfort esthetics and speech. It’s a cost efficient graftless treatment concept and it helps you avoiding complex grafting especially for your patients with less bone. The patient can be provided with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the same day as surgery. You will learn how to use the All-on-4® treatment concept for optimal treatment, with a limited amount of bone, to fix a temporary acrylic solution. In addition to theory, the course will also include hands-on exercises as well as live surgery.
T4 ConfiDent

All-on-4® Surgical Protocol - High Skilled & Zygoma Rehabilitation

Oct 18 - 19, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dr. Armando Lopes
Designed for surgeons with extensive experience in implant dentistry the course covers the All-on-4® surgical protocol in detail mainly concentrating on high skilled cases as well as the combination of this technique with the use of zygoma implants – Hybrid and Double-Zygoma approaches – offering a comprehensive training that will allow you to gain the skills and know-how to successfully rehabilitate resorbed maxillae in just a few hours.

När bygger vi uppåt? En påbyggnadskurs i GBR och sinuslyft

Oct 18 - 19, 2024
Ystad, SE
Inom dagens implantatkirurgi har vi fått olika hjälpmedel och implantat med egenskaper för att undvika större operationer och komp ens era för bristande bentillgång. Detta är givetvis välkommet, men ibland behöver vi göra sinuslyft av någon form och i viss utsträckning. Vi kan stöta på defekter som måste behandlas för att optimera våra behandlingar ur estetiska aspekter men fram för allt ur mekaniska. Denna k urs en fokuserar på att gå igenom olika tekniker för sinuslyft, samt GBR i de fall det kan behövas. Kursen riktar sig till tandläkare med viss implantatvana och vi varvar teori med mycket hands on. Efter kursens slut har vi gått igenom: Anatomi, fysiologi och olika kirurgiska tekniker Planering och olika sätt att kunna identifiera lättare och mer komplexa fall Möjligheter och begränsningar med olika material och tekniker Kirurgiska och protetiska principer Human Factors svagaste länken Olika material för benersättning och membran, samt hantering av dessa kliniskt Uppföljning och profylax
Tandvårdsakademin Ystad


Oct 18 - 19, 2024
Lisboa, PT
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Prof. Paulo Malo
The All-on-4® Protocol is an innovative surgical procedure, developed by Dr. Paulo Malo. The first All-on-4® was done in the mandible in 1993, and in 1996 done in the maxilla. Dr. Paulo Malo and his Team are present in 24 Countries with MALO DENTAL Clinics and in partnership with local colleagues.

Sinus Lift Course

Oct 24 - 25, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
The posterior maxilla resorption along with sinus pneumatization is a challenge in implant restorations Sinus lift technique allows the resolution of these clinical problems, restoring the vertical bone dimension required for dental implant placement.
GSD Academy


Oct 25 - 26, 2024
Coimbra, PT
Prof. Paulo Malo
The All-on-4® Protocol is an innovative surgical procedure, developed by Dr. Paulo Malo. The first All-on-4® was done in the mandible in 1993, and in 1996 done in the maxilla. Dr. Paulo Malo and his Team are present in 24 Countries with MALO DENTAL Clinics and in partnership with local colleagues.
Wisdom Dynasty – Instituto de Medicina Dentária

Startkurs i implantatkirurgi

Oct 25, 2024
Stockholm, SE
Välkommen till grundkursen inom implantatkirurgi. Den här kursen är riktad till dig som vill börja med implantatbehandling eller förbättra dina färdigheter. Kursen varvar teori med hands-on och patientfallsdiskussioner. Kursens innehåll - De biologiska och anatomiska aspekterna - Val av implantat och placering - Fördjupad förståelse för implantatens design, dess komponenter, kit och redskap - Clinical cases – vad kan vi lära oss från respektive fall? - Hands-on på benmodeller
Nordic Light Hotel

All on 4 Cadaver 2024

Oct 31 - Nov 02, 2024
Macquarie park, AU
Dr Larry Benge
Envista Training Centre

November 2024

Basic Implantology Course

Nov 02 - 08, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
Dra. Ana Filipa Gonçalves
Dr. Hugo Pinto

This intensive course enables the clinicians to develop essential skills and achieve excellency in Implantology. The goal is to acquire knowledge, increase the clinical experience level, or recycle and acquire greater know how, through intense work with patients.

GSD Academy

Immediate Implants Course

Nov 06 - 08, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
During this 3 day intensive course, clinicians will learn all the steps of the surgical and prosthetic protocol used in rehabilitation with immediate implants in the anterior and posterior areas.
GSD Academy

Full Arch Immediate Load Course

Nov 06 - 08, 2024
Lisbon, PT
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Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
Immediate load for full arch rehabilitation it is in many situations the only available option to perform in patients. This course will focus on all stages of the procedures and decisions to be made, from treatment plan to the final denture, emphasizing the need of customize treatment plans. The clinicians will watch live surgeries and perform the surgeries in real patients.
GSD Academy

Surgical Navigation Clinical Residency

Nov 08 - 09, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dr. Armando Lopes
This 2-day Residency Program focuses specifically on Navigation Implant Surgery and was designed especially for those who want to keep-up with the latest technology and introduce this valuable tool in their daily practice.


Nov 21 - 23, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dra. Ana Ferro
Dr. Armando Lopes

Designed for those that want to broaden their experience in implant dentistry on total edentulous patients, including Zygoma cases, this training covers the All-on-4® surgical protocol in detail concentrating on all existing approaches – Standard, Hybrid and Double-Zygoma – offering participants a comprehensive training that will allow them to gain the skills and know-how to successfully rehabilitate atrophic mandibles/maxillae as well as severely resorbed maxillae in just a few hours.


Implantatbehandlingar: Ta dina kunskaper och behandlingar till nästa nivå!

Nov 29, 2024
Göteborg, SE
Vill du utveckla dina kunskaper inom implantatbehandlingar i din egen verksamhet? Då är den här kursen perfekt för dig! Ta chansen att utbilda dig och skapa en bättre grund för att självständigt och med självförtroende kunna genomföra mer avancerade behandlingar. När vi ser tillbaka på den odontologiska historien tänker vi ofta på implantatens intåg och Per Ingvar Brånemarks kamp för sina metoder och koncept. Med utvecklingen av implantatbehandlingar har behandlingsalternativen blivit fler, och antalet patienter som får implantat har ökat kraftigt de senaste åren. Vår kurs fokuserar på att pedagogiskt behandla de överväganden som bör göras i samband med implantatbehandlingar, både genom föreläsningar och hands-on-övningar. Kursen omfattar följande ämnen: - Indikationer och fallgropar för implantatbehandlingar - Presentation av kliniska fall - Hands-on-övningar - Analys av framgångsrika och mindre lyckade patientfall - Behandlingsalternativ för mjukvävnadsrekonstruktioner vid implantat Syftet med kursen är att skapa en bred förståelse och kunskap om de utmaningar som finns inom dessa områden när du planerar och behandlar dina patienter.
GTS Konferens och festvåning

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

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