
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

Find out more on our Zurich Digital Days at the Dental Experience Center.

June 2024

Digital Experience Center: Simplifica el flujo digital en tu clínica

Jun 07, 2024-
Jun 07, 2025
Llanera, ES
Learn More
Dr Miguel Gonzalez Menéndez

Nobel Biocare se centra cada día en mejorar la eficiencia, la velocidad, la seguridad y la rentabilidad de sus productos para que vosotros, profesionales en implantología podáis ofrecer magníficos resultados a vuestros valiosos pacientes.


Conoce nuestro portfolio digital, incluyendo el escáner intraoral DEXIS™, el software de planificación DTX Studio™ Implant, la máquina X-Guide™ para cirugía navegada y la impresora digital SprintRay en esta actividad.

Museo y circuito Fernando Alonso

Restored Smiles - Pathway to Predictable and Successful Implant Placement - Session 1-2

Jun 21 - 22, 2024
Lompoc, CA, US
Dr. J.V. Huss

Learn how to place dental implants in to abundant bone predictably, efficiently, and successfully. This comprehensive course is filled with hands-on exercises to prepare you for socket preservation, flap design, implant placement, and suturing. With your purchase you will have access to Session One ONLINE curriculum for up to 1 year so that you can go back and review as often as you want.

Restored Smiles

July 2024

Study Club Baleares. 9ª edición. Logrando resultados predecibles con implantes en el área estética: El enfoque “Crown Down”

Jul 05, 2024
Palma de Mallorca, ES
Dr Francesco Mintrone

Esta conferencia explorará un enfoque sistemático para la rehabilitación con implantes en zonas estéticas, comenzando con la identificación de la posición del borde incisal del incisivo central superior.


A través de una evaluación de las proporciones dentales, se determinará el margen gingival libre ideal futuro. Al localizar este margen y compararlo con la situación clínica actual, se identificarán diversas técnicas para garantizar un enfoque predecible desde el punto de vista protésico-quirúrgico.


La conferencia presentará casos paso a paso, abordando la colocación ideal de implantes, el diseño del colgajo quirúrgico y la gestión de los tejidos duros y blandos en diferentes escenarios clínicos, incluyendo la regeneración vertical. Además, se evaluarán las secuencias y materiales protésicos para lograr resultados estéticos óptimos

Melià Palma Bay

Series 1: Live surgery with full-arch workflow

Jul 12 - 13, 2024
Stuart, FL, US
Michael Sohl
From data acquisition to navigated surgery with same-day placement of provisional.
Michael Sohl DDS Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry

Implant Education Company - 3-Day Implant Surgical Program with Cadaver, 3D Printing, and Live Surgery

Jul 17 - 19, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams
Dr. Butch Ferguson

Elevate your dental career and register for our extensive implant surgical training program today. Gain hands-on experience, in-depth knowledge, and the confidence to excel in the field of dental implant surgery. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and provide your patients with the best possible care.

Implant Education Company

Mahwah Digital Experience

Jul 18 - 19, 2024
Mahwah, NJ, US
Dr. Navneet Arora
Charles Genco
This program is specially designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to better understand the digital realm for the All-on-4® treatment concept.
Nobel Biocare Training Institute

Scan, Plan, Place, Restore Using X-Guide

Jul 19, 2024
Orlando, FL, US
Isaac Angel, DDS

This course begins with a review of guided implant placement starting with using periapical imaging, then two-dimensional tomography, and finally today’s state-of-the-art cone beam computed tomography.


American Dental Institute

August 2024

Restored Smiles - Concentrated Growth Factors - Bone Grafting Utilizing CGF / PRF

Aug 03, 2024
Lompoc, CA, US
Dr. J.V. Huss

Course Objectives:
• Learn how to perform venipuncture and basic anatomy
• Utilize blood to make fibrin clot and fibrin glue
• Learn how to make and handle AFG (autologous Fibrin Glue) “sticky bone” for various bone grafting situations
• Learn what CGF is and what it consists of
• How you can incorporate CGF into your practice
• Learn full spectrum of clinical applications of CGF/PRF including surgical flap closures, socket preservation, ridge augmentation, sinus lift, immediate and flapless implant placement

Restored Smiles

Restored Smiles - Pathway to Predictable and Successful Implant Placement - Session 3

Aug 09 - 10, 2024
Dr. J.V. Huss

Learn how to place dental implants in to abundant bone predictably, efficiently, and successfully. This comprehensive course is filled with hands-on exercises to prepare you for socket preservation, flap design, implant placement, and suturing. With your purchase you will have access to Session One ONLINE curriculum for up to 1 year so that you can go back and review as often as you want.


Implant Education Company - Jump Start to 3D Printing

Aug 09 - 10, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Amir Gordji, DDS
The "Dental Digital Workflow" course offers a comprehensive two-day journey into the world of digital dentistry.
Implant Education Company

Implant Education Company - 2 Day All On 4® Course with Cadaver training

Aug 15 - 16, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams

This 2-Day All-on-4® Implant Surgical with Cadaver Workshop is tailored for dentists and dental specialists eager to integrate the revolutionary All-on-4® treatment into their practices.

Implant Education Company

Implant Education Company - Introduction to the digital workflow for the All-on-4® treatment concept

Aug 22 - 23, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Mr. Landon Winters
Dr. Joe Mehranfar

Join us as we delve into the exciting world of dental technology, where we uncover the obstacles we faced and conquered on our journey to becoming an all-digital dental implant center and laboratory.

Implant Education Company

September 2024

Implant Education Company - 2 Day Beginner Dental Implant Surgical course

Sep 06 - 07, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams

This immersive beginning implant course provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of dental implant surgery.  Designed especially for new dentists eager to enhance their skills, this course offers a hands-on intensive experience that will set you on the path to success for your implant progression.

Implant Education Company

Det digitala arbetsflödet från A - Ö

Sep 13, 2024
Hässleholm, SE
Under en dag kommer du att få ta del av det digitala arbetsflödet kring implantatbehandling samt vara med på live kirurgi ”over-the-shoulder”.
T4 ConfiDent

Grundkurs i implantatkirurgi för assisterande personal

Sep 19, 2024
Göteborg, SE
Annika Lüttschwager
Detta är en endagskurs anpassad för tandsköterskor som vill bättra på sin kunskap kring implantatbehandling och rutinerna kring detta. Teori varvas med praktiska övningar.

Det digitala arbetsflödet från A-Ö

Sep 19, 2024
Ystad, SE
Anders Linderoth
Wissam Dirawi
Mats Christiansen
Under kvällen kommer Mats, Wissam och Anders ge er en inblick i det digitala arbetsflödet. - Vad behövs för att komma i gång och arbeta digitalt? - Vilka är tandteknikerns tips & tricks? - Kan och bör alla skanna, eller är det bara tandläkare som ska skanna? - Vilka fall lämpar sig bäst för digital skanning? - Används skanners för mer än bara avtryck? - Inom vilka områden kan en 3D printer användas?
Tandtekniska Laboratoriet i Ystad

Implant Education Company - Level 1 Dental Implant and Surgical Cadaver Program

Sep 19 - 20, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams

This comprehensive course is perfect for dentists who want to increase their knowledge and skill set in dental implant surgery.  The program will help you gain a solid foundation in the principles and techniques of implant surgery through extensive hands-on training exercises on models, suture pads, and cadavers.

Implant Education Company

Implant Education Company - 3-Day Implant Surgical Program with Cadaver, 3D Printing, and Live Surgery

Sep 25 - 27, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams
Dr. Butch Ferguson

Elevate your dental career and register for our extensive implant surgical training program today. Gain hands-on experience, in-depth knowledge, and the confidence to excel in the field of dental implant surgery. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and provide your patients with the best possible care.

Implant Education Company

Diploma especialista universitario en cirugía, prótesis-oclusión sobre implantes y manejo de los tejidos blandos

Sep 26, 2024-
Feb 15, 2025
Madrid, ES
Dr Mariano Sanz Alonso
Dr Ignacio Sanz- Sánchez
Ana Carrillo
José Rábago
Dr. Guillermo Pradíes
Este curso supone una interesante oportunidad para adquirir la destreza suficiente para abordar los tratamientos de implantes dentales, de casos simples a complejos, tanto en el ámbito del diagnóstico, como del tratamiento, instrumental, técnicas y materiales. Se trata de un programa con una carga práctica del 70 % y destinado a un grupo reducido de alumnos. El principal objetivo es afianzar los suficientes conocimientos y adquirir la habilidad y confianza necesarias para que el alumno pueda establecer un correcto diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento de todas las situaciones clínicas posibles, en las que el tratamiento con implantes dentales es una opción terapéutica. En el quinto y último módulo veremos la rehabilitación protésica basada en las nuevas tecnologías, es un programa multidisciplinar que integra la aplicación de tratamientos quirúrgicos, periodontales y protésicos, con aparatología de última generación sobre todo en recursos digitales, y tecnología CAD/CAM. A través de la realización de este programa teórico-práctico conseguirás una serie de habilidades mínimas para introducirte en la Implantología clínica.

October 2024

Implant Education Company - Introduction to the digital workflow for the All-on-4® treatment concept

Oct 10 - 11, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Joe Mehranfar
Mr. Landon Winters

Join us as we delve into the exciting world of dental technology, where we uncover the obstacles we faced and conquered on our journey to becoming an all-digital dental implant center and laboratory.

Implant Education Company

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

Questions? Just ask. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional event information, we want to hear from you.