Encontrar cursos

Aprende junto a expertos líderes en el sector de todo el mundo. Nuestros cursos lo cubren prácticamente todo, desde el diagnóstico y la planificación del tratamiento hasta los flujos de trabajo quirúrgicos y protésicos. También abordan algunos de los más complejos y progresivos protocolos para el manejo de posibles complicaciones.

Septiembre 2024

Implant Education Company - 3 Day Live Surgical All-on-4® Treatment Concept Course with Digital Workflow

Sep 18 - 20, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams
Dr. Joe Mehranfar

A unique live surgical opportunity to learn the All on 4® treatment with digital workflow from expert instructors.

Each attending dentist will treat an upper and lower arch and learn the digital workflow process to immediate temporization of a 3D printed prosthesis.

Implant Education Company

Implant Education Company - Level 1 Dental Implant and Surgical Cadaver Program

Sep 19 - 20, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams

This comprehensive course is perfect for dentists who want to increase their knowledge and skill set in dental implant surgery.  The program will help you gain a solid foundation in the principles and techniques of implant surgery through extensive hands-on training exercises on models, suture pads, and cadavers.

Implant Education Company

DDI Core Implant Bootcamp - Calgary

Sep 19 - 22, 2024
Calgary, AB, CA
Más información
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Faraj Edher


Calgary, AB

Course Dates

September 19-22, 2024

 Learning Topics

  • Surgical and prosthetic treatment planning
  • Virtual implant planning utilizing DTX Studio™
  • Prosthetic component selection guidelines
  • Screw retained vs. cement retained principles
  • Immediate provisional protocols
  • Occlusion overview
  • Anatomy considerations
  • Indications and contraindications for implant surgery
  • Principles of single tooth and multiple tooth implant placement 
  • Flap design and suturing
  • Pharmacology related to implant dentistry
  • Atraumatic extraction techniques  
  • Systems and bone grafting principles


Hands-on Exercises

  • Implant impressions
  • Fabrication of an immediate provisional
  • Implant placement
  • Flap design and suturing
  • Second stage implant surgery
  • Immediate implant placement
  • Socket grafting
  • Ridge augmentation


Dr. Bobby Birdi


Tuition: $3,500 USD


CE Credits : 32


Regeneración ósea avanzada - intensivo

Sep 19 - 21, 2024
Barcelona, ES
Más información
Iñaki Mayo
Programa que combina contenido teórico y práctico en el que el alumno adquirirá los conocimientos y la confianza suficiente para realizar tratamientos de regeneración en casos de atrofia maxilar, sus posibles complicaciones y la forma de solucionarlas.
Clínica Dental Mayo

La maintenance sur implants

Sep 19, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Más información
Mr. Thomas Moureau

L'hygiène dentaire n'a plus de secret pour vous, qu'en est-il des implants?

Une surface rugueuse métallique ankylosée dans l'os n'est pas analysée de la même manière qu'une surface lisse, logée dans un système amortisseur et protecteur.

Tous les implants sont-ils les mêmes? Présentent-ils tous les mêmes fragilités face au techniques d'hygiène de nos patients? Comment puis-je au mieux organiser mon contrôle, mes conseils et mes actes pour être le plus performant pour les implants de mes patients?

Autant de questions et bien d'autres qui trouveront une réponse dans cet exposé.

Nobel Biocare Belgium

DACH-Symposium „Effizienz in der Praxis“

Sep 19 - 21, 2024
Saalfelden (Österreich), DE
Más información
Dr. Roland Horn
Dr. Stefan Helka
Prim. Dr. Rudolf Fürhauser
ZT Gerold Fischer
apl. Prof. Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz
PD Dr. Dr. Keyvan Sagheb
Dr. Anette Felderhoff-Fischer
Mischa Ommid Steude M.Sc. M.Sc.
ZTM Tobias Böinghoff
Dr. Gerald Schillig
ZT Enes Latifovic
Dr. Christoph Wenninger
Dr. Janos Oettler
DDr. Gerald Jahl
Dr. Peter Randelzhofer
Key note Marc Gassert
Dr. Lukas Fürhauser
Univ.-Prof. DDr. Werner Zechner

Zeit wird immer mehr zu einem bestimmenden Faktor, wenn es um den Erfolg Ihrer Praxis geht. Deshalb finden Sie bei Nobel Biocare – getreu unserem Credo „Pioneering the past. Leading the future.“ - immer wieder neue Entwicklungen, die Ihnen als Behandler helfen, die Herausforderungen der Zukunft noch besser zu meistern.

Beim großen DACH-Symposium „Effizienz in der Praxis“ erleben Sie die neueste Technik und aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zum digitalen Workflow in der Praxis.

Und Sie erfahren, wie Sie in Zukunft mit hoher Effizienz, Schnelligkeit und Sicherheit den medizinischen und wirtschaftlichen Vorsprung Ihrer Praxis weiter ausbauen können. Und wie wir Sie mit unserer Haltung „Pioneering the Past. Leading the Future.“ dabei unterstützen.

Das Ganze in einer wunderbaren Location – dem Gut Brandlhof in Saalfelden mit einem spannenden Rahmenprogramm sowie interessanten Diskussionen mit Kollegen und Referenten. Sie können live dabei sein und gemeinsam mit uns eine gute Zeit in einer spektakulären Bergwelt genießen.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie, auf interessante Gespräche, Vorträge, Diskussionen und Erlebnisse.

13 Fortbildungspunkte
Hotel Gut Brandlhof

N1™ System Launch Course 品川0919

Sep 19, 2024
品川区, Tokyo, JP
Más información
. 山根 茂樹 先生

新インプラント『N1™ System』 の発売に伴い、臨床導入いただく先生を対象としたローンチコースを実施させていただきます。

『N1™ System』は、新しい製品コンセプトと従来のインプラントシステムと異なるプロトコルを特徴としているため、適切な臨床導入に向けた正しい情報の伝達、十分なトレーニングのご提供を下記の通り実施いたします。この機会に是非ご参加ください。

ノーベル・バイオケア・ジャパン(株) 品川研修室

Cursus de Formation en Parodontologie et Implantologie - PERIOMIND

Sep 20 - Dic 14, 2024
Toulouse, FR
Dr Ronan Barré
Dr Guillaume Anduze

Cursus de formation en Parodontologie et Implantologie destiné aux praticiens désireux d’intégrer efficacement et sereinement ces thérapeutiques dans leur  exercice.

Programme et dates

  • Module 1 : Prise en charge parodontale - 15 et 16 mars 2024
  • Module 2 : Chirurgie parodontale - 14 et 15 juin 2024
  • Module 3 : Chirurgie et prothèse implantaire de petite étentue - 20 et 21 septembre 2024
  • Module 4 : Chirurgie et prothèse implantaire avancée - 13 et 14 décembre 2024

Prise en charge DPC rèf. 85301800001



Sep 20, 2024
Nîmes, FR
Dr Nicolas Henner

Au cours de cette journée vous serez initiés aux protocoles préopératoires essentiels, à l’évaluation radiographique, à la planification ainsi qu’aux indications des techniques d’élévation du plancher sinusien pour assurer des résultats prévisibles et reproductibles.

Nous appréhenderons également les différentes approches (latérale, crestale), en fonction de situations cliniques spécifiques.

Bénéficiez d’une approche pédagogique immersive et interactive, de travaux pratiques, d’études de cas et de sessions de questions-réponses approfondies qui vous permettront de développer votre expertise de manière significative.

Ouvrez de nouvelles perspectives dans votre pratique implantaire. 


 Prestataire de formation enregistré sous le n° 76300467930

Cabinet Dentaire Fernandez Henner

Regeneración ósea avanzada - Dr. Luis García Marí

Sep 20 - 21, 2024
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Luis García Marí
Curso orientado exclusivamente a la práctica quirúrgica. El objetivo es poner en práctica las técnicas aprendidas. Adecuado para aquellos que buscan aprender y desarrollar nuevas habilidades, o para aquellos que buscan refinar y desarrollar las habilidades existentes.
Centro Estético Dental García Marí

Envista Summit Japan 2024 0922東京

Sep 22 - 23, 2024
品川区, Tokyo, JP

このたび、「エンビスタ サミット ジャパン 2024 インプラント トラック」を開催させていただきます。

未来の歯科治療を担う次世代の演者も多数迎え、インプラント治療におけるより優位性の高い治療結果への取り組みやデジタルワークフローの活用の実際など、臨床の今を切り取りご講演頂きます。 是非、ご参加いただきますよう、お願いいたします。

品川 ザ・グランドホール

Clinical Implant Program: Démarrer en implantologie

Sep 23, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Más información
Mr. Eric Rompen
Mr. Sami El Masri
Nobel Biocare Belgium

Implant Education Company - 3-Day Implant Surgical Program with Cadaver, 3D Printing, and Live Surgery

Sep 25 - 27, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams
Dr. Butch Ferguson

Elevate your dental career and register for our extensive implant surgical training program today. Gain hands-on experience, in-depth knowledge, and the confidence to excel in the field of dental implant surgery. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and provide your patients with the best possible care.

Implant Education Company

A to Z for Full-Arch Dental Implant Treatment: A Comprehensive Three-Day Course

Sep 26 - 28, 2024
Central, HK
Dr. James Chow

Ever since Dr Maló published the first article on the All-on-4™ protocol for implant reconstruction of the mandibular full arch in 2003, there have been significant changes in the way dental professionals approach treating patients with missing teeth. Initially, there were concerns regarding the use of only four implants in the mandibular or maxillary arch to support a full arch fixed restoration. The dental community exercised caution, particularly when the All-on-4™ protocol was developed for immediate loading.

However, after 25 years of clinical application and extensive documentation, All-on-4™ has firmly established itself as an effective method for reconstructing the full arch and full mouth with implants, particularly in patients with limited bone volume in the posterior oral regions.

In recent years, dentistry has undergone a digital transformation, with the integration of a complete digital workflow into dentists’ everyday practices, including implant treatments.

Dental Implant & Maxillofacial Centre

Global Dental Mentorship - Restorative and Surgical Implant Hands-On

Sep 27, 2024
Richmond Hill, ON, CA
Dr David Powell
Dr. Avi Shelemay
Dr. Lesley David

The hands-on MIT course is designed to familiarize you with implant components both surgically and prosthetically. In addition, the goal is for you to gain comfort with the procedures as outlined below. For those of you with experience in dental implants, you will gain tips and tricks from our experienced clinicians. Given the synergy between surgery and prosthetics, it’s important to understand both, regardless of your area of interest.


Learning Objectives:

The following model-based procedures will be included in the hands-on instruction:

1) Review anatomy and surgical protocol

2) Place 2 implants for mandibular overdenture

3) Place single implants

4) Suturing procedures on a soft tissue model

5) Temporary crown fabrication

6) Place, pick up, and size locators for mandibular overdentures


Course Fee

  • $745 CAD


CE Credits

  • 8 hours
Nobel Biocare

La chirurgie et prothèse implantaire/M3 - PERIOMIND

Sep 27 - 28, 2024
Toulouse, FR
Dr Guillaume Anduze
Dr Ronan Barré

L’objectif de ce module est de savoir planifier et réaliser la pose d’un implant dentaire, maîtriser les techniques d’empreintes et de réalisation des prothèses provisoires.

  • L’analyse CBCT afin de poser les indications et écarter les risques
  • Connaître les solutions implantaires à disposition
  • Maîtriser les séquences de forage adaptées au cas clinique
  • Gérer les prothèses provisoires et la mise en forme tissulaire
  • Maîtriser les acastillages prothétiques
  • Choisir les techniques d’empreinte
  • Choisir les matériaux prothétiques et le système ( vissé ou scellé).

Travaux pratiques

  • Planification implantaire sur le logiciel Nobel Clinician et pose d’un implant dentaire (sur modèle pédagogique).
  •  Gestion de la prothèse provisoire
  • Techniques d’empreinte (sur modèle pédagogique).

 Prise en charge DPC rèf. 85301800001



Sep 27, 2024
Vila Nova de Gaia, PT
Ferran Llansana
Roberto Aza
Dr Pedro Peña
Jose Manuel Navarro Martínez
Octavi Camps
Jesús Bayoll
Dr Angel Fernández Bustillo
Dr Miguel Moura Gonçalves
Dr. João Carlos Ramos
Dra. Alexandra Marques
Hélder Moura
Dr Didier Delmas
Alberto Rico
Dr. Ernesto Tocantins
Dr Miguel Gonzalez Menéndez
Dr. Nacho Ginebreda
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
Dr. Jorge Rabiço da Costa
Rui Figueiredo

Este curso é a oportunidade que lhe vai permitir organizar a sua atividade clínica, ter uma equipa alinhada, atrair mais clientes e perceber onde deve investir o seu tempo.

Português (europeu)
Baron's Hall

Global Dental Mentorship - Pig Mandible Extractions and Bone Grafting Hands-On

Sep 28, 2024
Richmond Hill, ON, CA
Dr. Lesley David
Dr. Avi Shelemay
Dr David Powell

In this unique hands-on course, clinicians will learn how to extract teeth in an implant-minded fashion, classify the socket defects and follow the appropriate bone grafting protocol. Various pig mandible exercises will provide clinicians with a complete and enriching day of learning.

Join us for this epic education event with our Mentors to elevate your practice.

Surgical extractions will become predictable, efficient and minimally invasive from the patient’s perspective.

You will learn how to simplify your implant surgery by addressing the bone during tooth extraction, resulting in alveolar ridges that are suitable for a straight forward implant surgery.

We are excited to help you in any way possible to meet your implant needs and address any questions in a friendly, collaborative, and supportive learning environment. Sharpen your scalpels and sign up soon before it’s too late! Space is limited.


Learning Objectives:

  • The implant-minded dental extraction technique
  • Diagnose and classify extraction socket defects
  • Understand the various grafting materials used in dentistry
  • Learn what materials to use and various socket grafting protocols


Course Fee

  • $1,495 CAD


CE Credits

  • 8 hours
Nobel Biocare

California Implant Institute: Basic to Intermediate implant surgery program

Sep 30 - Oct 05, 2024
Dr Louie Al-Faraje

6 -Days LIVE Patient Surgical Externship

California Implant Institute

Octubre 2024

A to Z digital implant dentistry

Oct 01 - 05, 2024
Roma, IT-RM, IT
Más información
Prof Alessandro Pozzi

This interactive course is structured to provide step-by-step training at a very personal level. It employs case-based learning by emphasizing evidence-based learning for daily usage. Participants will learn from the basic tools to the latest advancements in digital implant dentistry. Streamlined clinical and digital workflows will be presented to increase efficiency and clinical outcomes. All the secrets of static guided surgery and X-Guide dynamic navigation will be unveiled to discern when and how to use the different surgical options, including the review of the current CBCT, IOS and Face scanning technologies. The DTX Studio Clinic, DTX Studio Implant and DTX Studio Lab software will be presented, explaining how to simplify the digital workflow for predictable guided immediate implant placement and immediate loading. The digital implant planning rules for anterior, posterior and full arch cases will be reviewed and updated to achieve biological, functional and esthetic success. The attendees will improve their own confidence and skills with digital planning through immersive software hands-on.

Indications and limitations of the static and dynamic guided surgery will be reviewed and discussed, from simple flapless to advanced procedures, including digital assisted soft tissue sculpturing (DASS Technique), Guided Socket Shield protocols and DyNav. Special emphasis will be given to interdisciplinary digitally assisted treatment planning and final aesthetics in the different clinical scenarios

Maximum number of participants: 15 - 24.
Participation fee: EUR 5,000. (Please note for customers registering in Italy 22% VAT is added to the participation fee. Total fee = EUR 6,100)
Language: English

Discounts for labs and clinic managers. Contact education@nobelbiocare.com

Studio Pozzi

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR es una organización mundial, sin ánimo de lucro que promueve la ciencia, formación y acciones humanitarias en rehabilitación oral. La página web www.for.org ofrece cientos de contenidos didácticos para los profesionales de la odontología: más de 300 vídeos de conferencias de los más reconocidos expertos. Casi 100 casos clínicos documentados. Artículos y ebooks interactivos. Las pautas de tratamiento más avanzadas. Y mucho más. Completamente gratuito. Regístrate ahora y accede a todos los contenidos.

¿Alguna duda? Solo tienes que preguntarnos. 

Si no puedes encontrar lo que estás buscando o si necesitas información adicional sobre el evento, contacta con nosotros.

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