Encontrar cursos

Aprende junto a expertos líderes en el sector de todo el mundo. Nuestros cursos lo cubren prácticamente todo, desde el diagnóstico y la planificación del tratamiento hasta los flujos de trabajo quirúrgicos y protésicos. También abordan algunos de los más complejos y progresivos protocolos para el manejo de posibles complicaciones.

Noviembre 2024

Basic Implantology Course

Nov 02 - 08, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
Dra. Ana Filipa Gonçalves
Dr. Hugo Pinto

This intensive course enables the clinicians to develop essential skills and achieve excellency in Implantology. The goal is to acquire knowledge, increase the clinical experience level, or recycle and acquire greater know how, through intense work with patients.

GSD Academy

Immediate Implants Course

Nov 06 - 08, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
During this 3 day intensive course, clinicians will learn all the steps of the surgical and prosthetic protocol used in rehabilitation with immediate implants in the anterior and posterior areas.
GSD Academy

Full Arch Immediate Load Course

Nov 06 - 08, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Más información
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
Immediate load for full arch rehabilitation it is in many situations the only available option to perform in patients. This course will focus on all stages of the procedures and decisions to be made, from treatment plan to the final denture, emphasizing the need of customize treatment plans. The clinicians will watch live surgeries and perform the surgeries in real patients.
GSD Academy

Embracing immediacy and simplicity as the new paradigm for patient care in implantology - A 2-Day Program

Nov 07 - 08, 2024
North York, ON, CA
Más información
Ms. Flora Santos
Dr. Brian Freund
Mr. Terry Xie
Dr. Alex Bongard
Ms. Michelle Ryckman
Dr John Zarb
Dr. Steven Bongard

This small group comprehensive 2-Day program focuses on the merits of embracing immediate implant placement as a patient centered implant prosthodontic treatment solution. Through a series of live and previously recorded surgeries, formal presentations, group discussions and hands-on training, dental teams will become familiar with the merits of immediate placement protocols for both the single tooth and full arch solutions. Particular emphasis will be placed on how best to have the entire team embrace and advocate for immediate implant placement protocols to be adopted in dental practices.

Tuition: $1,999 CAD

Tuition includes 1 dentist and up to 3 staff members.

$999 CAD for additional dentists or denturists.

CE Credits : 14


Dr. Alex Bongard

Dr. Steven Bongard

Ms. Michelle Ryckman

Ms. Flora Santos

Mr. Terry Xie

Dr. John P. Zarb

Contact :

Genesis Continuing Dental Education

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 3

Nov 08 - 10, 2024
Richmond Hill, ON, CA
Más información
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Toronto, ON



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Course dates

Core 1:  September 13–15, 2024

Core 2: October 4–6, 2024

Core 3: November  8–10, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Rana Tarzemany

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD


Nobel Biocare Canada

DDI 2024 Surgical Management of the Posterior Maxillary and Advanced Bone Grafting

Nov 15 - 17, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
Más información
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Bobby Birdi


Vancouver, BC



Dr. Ron Zokol


Course dates

November 15-17, 2024 


Course description

Maxillary Sinus Grafting & Management  - Dr. Ron Zokol

The predictable management of the maxillary sinus requires an understanding of the treatment option including direct and indirect site preparation for placement of dental implants. It is imperative to understand the possible pathologies of the maxillary sinus as well as the treatment differences for each.


This 3-day (30 CE) course will include these learning topics:

  • Requirements for evaluating and determining the health status of the Maxillary Sinus,
  • Understanding the pathology related to the Maxillary Sinus and subsequent treatment options,
  • Working with a physician/ENT in the management of infected Maxillary Sinuses,
  • Management of soft tissue and hard tissue tuberosities,
  • Lateral access (Direct) procedures for single and multi-lobulated sinuses,
  • Crestal access (Indirect) procedures for single implant placement,
  • Direct and Indirect subnasal elevation grafts,
  • When to consider direct or indirect treatment protocols,
  • How to manage sinus membrane perforations and other complications.

There will be hands-on workshops with goats head and models each day to gain familiarity with these procedures.



$2,395 USD

BC ProSpace

Enero 2025

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 4

Enero 10 - 12, 2025
North York, ON, CA
Más información
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Genesis Continuing Dental Education Center

660 Petrolia Rd, North York, ON M3J 2P4



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Course dates

Core 1:  September 13–15, 2024

Core 2: October 18–20, 2024

Core 3: November  8–10, 2024

Core 4: January 10-12, 2025


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Ron Zokol

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.


Core 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program - Instructors TBD

The first day of this 3-day program focuses on the science and protocols of utilizing PRF and PRP in different clinical applications. Venipuncture is taught by a highly experienced phlebotomy instructor. The remaining two days will be spent treating patients under the supervision of an experience DDI faculty member. Participants will apply their previous didactic and hands-on training, such as atraumatic extractions, implant placement, bone grafting, suturing, and much more. Our participants all agree that there is no better way to start placing implants routinely, than to complete the first few cases done with the supervision of an expert.

Learning Topics

  • The science behind platelet rich fibrin and platelet rich plasma
  • L-PRF, A-PRF, and PRGF protocols
  • Clinical applications of PRF
  • Venipuncture techniques (Hands-on)
  • Live patient surgical training (Hands-on)
  • Implant surgery principles
  • Atraumatic extraction
  • Bone and soft tissue augmentation
  • Pre-surgical planning
  • Post-operative principles
  • Patient management



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD

Core 4 : $2,495 USD

Genesis (Continuing Dental Education)

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR es una organización mundial, sin ánimo de lucro que promueve la ciencia, formación y acciones humanitarias en rehabilitación oral. La página web www.for.org ofrece cientos de contenidos didácticos para los profesionales de la odontología: más de 300 vídeos de conferencias de los más reconocidos expertos. Casi 100 casos clínicos documentados. Artículos y ebooks interactivos. Las pautas de tratamiento más avanzadas. Y mucho más. Completamente gratuito. Regístrate ahora y accede a todos los contenidos.

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