
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

October 2024

DDI 2024 Surgical Management of the Posterior Maxillary and Advanced Bone Grafting

Oct 04 - 06, 2024
North York, ON, CA
Learn More
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Faraj Edher


Genesis Continuing Dental Education Center 

660 Petrolia Rd, North York, ON M3J 2P4



Dr. Ron Zokol


Course dates

October 4-6, 2024 


Course description

Maxillary Sinus Grafting & Management  - Dr. Ron Zokol

The predictable management of the maxillary sinus requires an understanding of the treatment option including direct and indirect site preparation for placement of dental implants. It is imperative to understand the possible pathologies of the maxillary sinus as well as the treatment differences for each.


This 3-day (30 CE) course will include these learning topics:

  • Requirements for evaluating and determining the health status of the Maxillary Sinus,
  • Understanding the pathology related to the Maxillary Sinus and subsequent treatment options,
  • Working with a physician/ENT in the management of infected Maxillary Sinuses,
  • Management of soft tissue and hard tissue tuberosities,
  • Lateral access (Direct) procedures for single and multi-lobulated sinuses,
  • Crestal access (Indirect) procedures for single implant placement,
  • Direct and Indirect subnasal elevation grafts,
  • When to consider direct or indirect treatment protocols,
  • How to manage sinus membrane perforations and other complications.

There will be hands-on workshops with goats head and models each day to gain familiarity with these procedures.



$2,395 USD

Genesis (Continuing Dental Education)

Implantologie einmal anders betrachtet. Modul 4 – Weichgewebemanagement. Notwendig oder überbewertet?

Oct 11 - 12, 2024
Karlstadt, DE
Isabel Faßbender
Dr. Stefan Scherg
Niklas Scherg
Wer Implantologie betreibt, der weiß, was auch die wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen bestätigen: Das Weichgewebe um ein Implantat ist ein sehr schwer zu erhaltendes und noch schwerer zu schaffendes Gewebe. Der Inhalt in diesem Modul ist speziell dem Weichgewebe, Freilegungen und Weichgewebetransplantaten sowie der Schaffung adäquater Verhältnisse um das Implantat herum gewidmet. Chirurgische Komplikationen und Periimplantitis lassen sich in keiner implantologisch tätigen Praxis gänzlich vermeiden – oder doch? Können wir es mit moderner Hardware schaffen, das Problem zu reduzieren? In diesem Modul wird das Implantat des in Modul 1 versorgten Patienten freigelegt, so dass der Behandlungsablauf praxisrelevant nachverfolgt werden kann. Durch die entsprechende Bilddokumentation des bisherigen Behandlungsablaufs ist der Inhalt dieses Seminars auch für Teilnehmer, die nur dieses Modul besuchen wollen, komplett nachvollziehbar.
13 Fortbildungspunkte
DrS – Schöne Zähne | Dr. Stefan Scherg

Chirurgie und Implantologie – Hands-On an der Bayerischen Landeszahnärztekammer

Oct 11 - Nov 09, 2024
Nürnberg / München, DE
Dr. Nina Psenicka
Basis für chirurgische operative Eingriffe sind sowohl Schnitt- und Nahttechniken als auch Grundkenntnisse der einzelnen Operationstechniken. Die richtige operative Technik verringert Komplikationen und optimiert das chirurgische Ergebnis. Aufbauend auf einem Basiswissen der zahnärztlichen Chirurgie und der Implantologie geht es im Aufbaukurs um die grundlegenden zahnärztlichen operativen und anspruchsvolleren implantologischen Eingriffe. Operationstechniken und das Komplikationsmanagment sind feste Bestandteile eines erfolgreichen chirurgischen und implantologischen Eingriffs, der durch gezieltes Operationstraining optimiert wird.
Bayerische Landeszahnärztekammer

Restored Smiles - Pathway to Predictable and Successful Implant Placement - Session 1-2

Oct 18 - 19, 2024
Lompoc, CA, US
Dr. J.V. Huss

Learn how to place dental implants in to abundant bone predictably, efficiently, and successfully. This comprehensive course is filled with hands-on exercises to prepare you for socket preservation, flap design, implant placement, and suturing. With your purchase you will have access to Session One ONLINE curriculum for up to 1 year so that you can go back and review as often as you want.

Restored Smiles

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 2

Oct 18 - 20, 2024
Richmond Hill, ON, CA
Learn More
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Toronto, ON



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Course dates

Core 1:  September 13–15, 2024

Core 2: October 18–20, 2024

Core 3: November  8–10, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Rana Tarzemany

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD


Nobel Biocare Canada

Feste dritte Zähne an einem Tag. Das All-on-4® Behandlungskonzept.

Oct 18 - 19, 2024
Mindelheim, DE
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Dr. Helmut Baader

Patientenbedürfnisse verändern sich: Heute sind vor allem kürzere Behandlungszeiten und schnellere Versorgungen gefragt. Hinzu kommen gesteigerte Erwartungen hinsichtlich Ästhetik und technologisch zeitgemäßen Behandlungskonzepten. All dies berücksichtigend, schafft das von Prof. Dr. Paulo Maló entwickelte All-on-4® Behandlungskonzept medizinischen Vorsprung und echte Vorteile. Für zahnlose und bald zahnlose Patienten kann mit dem All-on-4® Behandlungskonzept eine festsitzende Versorgung des vollständigen Zahnbogens auf vier Implantaten am Tag des Eingriffs realisiert werden.

Innerhalb von zwei Tagen erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit dem All-on-4®
Behandlungskonzept Patienten gewinnen und diese gezielter behandeln und überzeugen können.

15 Fortbildungspunkte
Praxisklinik MVZ Dr. Baader & Kollegen

CII: 3-Day Advanced Bone Grafting Program

Oct 24 - 26, 2024
San Diego, CA, US
Christopher Church
Dr Louie Al-Faraje
This 6 day comprehensive LIVE patient program covers the treatment planning, surgical, prosthetic, and laboratory phases of the full-arch immediate-load prostheses for edentulous patients and those with terminal dentition. Each participant will surgically treat two immediate loading cases using the All-on-4® treatment concept. Also, attendees will be observing and participating as a group in immediate restorations of full-arch immediate loading cases covering both the direct and indirect method of this procedure. The laboratory protocols will be extensively covered during the program as well.
California Implant Institute

DDI Core Implant Bootcamp - Winnipeg

Oct 24 - 27, 2024
Winnipeg, MB, CA
Learn More
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Winnipeg, MB

Course Dates

October 24-27, 2024

 Learning Topics

  • Surgical and prosthetic treatment planning
  • Virtual implant planning utilizing DTX Studio™
  • Prosthetic component selection guidelines
  • Screw retained vs. cement retained principles
  • Immediate provisional protocols
  • Occlusion overview
  • Anatomy considerations
  • Indications and contraindications for implant surgery
  • Principles of single tooth and multiple tooth implant placement 
  • Flap design and suturing
  • Pharmacology related to implant dentistry
  • Atraumatic extraction techniques  
  • Systems and bone grafting principles


Hands-on Exercises

  • Implant impressions
  • Fabrication of an immediate provisional
  • Implant placement
  • Flap design and suturing
  • Second stage implant surgery
  • Immediate implant placement
  • Socket grafting
  • Ridge augmentation


Dr. Ron Zokol


Tuition: $3,500 USD


CE Credits : 32


Rising Stars - 3 Schritte zum Erfolg

Oct 26, 2024
Neunburg vorm Wald, DE
Dr. Christoph von Wenz
Digitaler Workflow, Planung und Navigation, mit Hands-on
9 Fortbildungspunkte
Dr. Christoph von Wenz, FZA für Oralchirurgie

November 2024

Embracing immediacy and simplicity as the new paradigm for patient care in implantology - A 2-Day Program

Nov 07 - 08, 2024
North York, ON, CA
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Ms. Flora Santos
Dr. Brian Freund
Mr. Terry Xie
Dr. Alex Bongard
Ms. Michelle Ryckman
Dr John Zarb
Dr. Steven Bongard

This small group comprehensive 2-Day program focuses on the merits of embracing immediate implant placement as a patient centered implant prosthodontic treatment solution. Through a series of live and previously recorded surgeries, formal presentations, group discussions and hands-on training, dental teams will become familiar with the merits of immediate placement protocols for both the single tooth and full arch solutions. Particular emphasis will be placed on how best to have the entire team embrace and advocate for immediate implant placement protocols to be adopted in dental practices.

Tuition: $1,999 CAD

Tuition includes 1 dentist and up to 3 staff members.

$999 CAD for additional dentists or denturists.

CE Credits : 14


Dr. Alex Bongard

Dr. Steven Bongard

Ms. Michelle Ryckman

Ms. Flora Santos

Mr. Terry Xie

Dr. John P. Zarb

Contact :

Genesis Continuing Dental Education

Rising Stars - 3 Schritte zum Erfolg

Nov 08, 2024
Neunburg vorm Wald, DE
Dr. Christoph von Wenz

Prothetik, Versorgungsmöglichkeiten und was zu beachten ist, mit Hands-on

6 Fortbildungspunkte
Dr. Christoph von Wenz, FZA für Oralchirurgie

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 3

Nov 08 - 10, 2024
Richmond Hill, ON, CA
Learn More
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Toronto, ON



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Course dates

Core 1:  September 13–15, 2024

Core 2: October 4–6, 2024

Core 3: November  8–10, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Rana Tarzemany

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD


Nobel Biocare Canada

Hands-on training Introduction to implant prosthodontics and intraoral scanning

Nov 08, 2024
North York, ON, CA
Learn More
Mr. Terry Xie
Ms. Flora Santos
Dr John Zarb

This introduction to Implant Prosthodontics Hands-On Training Program is designed for general dentists and members of their team to learn to handle and use implant surgical and prosthodontic components. Participants will be introduced to, and use, surgical drills and all surgical components required for an appropriate surgical drilling sequence, drilling into model blocks of varying densities and placement of a dummy implant. Prosthodontic components ranging from healing abutments, temporary abutments, impression copings and overdenture solutions will be discussed and handled. You will also learn about the benefits of intra-oral scanning for the patient and clinic as well as smile design and the importance of clinical photos.  Participants practice scanning on models and each other.


Tuition: $49 CAD

Plus applicable taxes

CE Credits : 2


Dr. John Zarb

Ms. Flora Santos

Mr. Terry Xie


Contact :

Genesis Continuing Dental Education

Restored Smiles - Concentrated Growth Factors - Bone Grafting Utilizing CGF / PRF

Nov 09, 2024
Lompoc, CA, US
Dr. J.V. Huss

Course Objectives:
• Learn how to perform venipuncture and basic anatomy
• Utilize blood to make fibrin clot and fibrin glue
• Learn how to make and handle AFG (autologous Fibrin Glue) “sticky bone” for various bone grafting situations
• Learn what CGF is and what it consists of
• How you can incorporate CGF into your practice
• Learn full spectrum of clinical applications of CGF/PRF including surgical flap closures, socket preservation, ridge augmentation, sinus lift, immediate and flapless implant placement

Restored Smiles

Implantologie einmal anders betrachtet. Modul 5 – Implantatprothetik. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten im Wandel der Zeit

Nov 15 - 16, 2024
Karlstadt, DE
Dr. Stefan Scherg
Isabel Faßbender
Niklas Scherg
Alle Patienten, die uns mit dem Wunsch nach einer implantologischen Behandlung aufsuchen, kommen letztendlich wegen des zu verankernden Zahnersatzes zu uns. Deshalb steht zum Abschluss der Fortbildungsreihe die Prothetik im Fokus. Die unterschiedlichen Lösungen, die prothetisch in der Implantologie möglich sind, werden mit Bewertung der diversen Materialien dargestellt. Von Einzelzähnen bis hin zu zahnlosen Kiefern. Ideal in Kombination mit Ihrem Zahntechniker. Der während der gesamten Kursreihe behandelte Patientenfall wird mit der endgültigen Prothetik nach dem aufgezeigten Konzept versorgt (Video). Auch während dieses Seminars mit dem Schwerpunkt Zahnersatz werden alle gezeigten Fälle so dargestellt, dass auch Teilnehmer, die an den vorhergehenden Kursen nicht teilgenommen haben, inhaltlich komplett folgen können.
13 Fortbildungspunkte
Hotel Mainpromenade

Restored Smiles - Pathway to Predictable and Successful Implant Placement - Session 3

Nov 15 - 16, 2024
Dr. J.V. Huss

Learn how to place dental implants in to abundant bone predictably, efficiently, and successfully. This comprehensive course is filled with hands-on exercises to prepare you for socket preservation, flap design, implant placement, and suturing. With your purchase you will have access to Session One ONLINE curriculum for up to 1 year so that you can go back and review as often as you want.


DDI 2024 Surgical Management of the Posterior Maxillary and Advanced Bone Grafting

Nov 15 - 17, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
Learn More
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Bobby Birdi


Vancouver, BC



Dr. Ron Zokol


Course dates

November 15-17, 2024 


Course description

Maxillary Sinus Grafting & Management  - Dr. Ron Zokol

The predictable management of the maxillary sinus requires an understanding of the treatment option including direct and indirect site preparation for placement of dental implants. It is imperative to understand the possible pathologies of the maxillary sinus as well as the treatment differences for each.


This 3-day (30 CE) course will include these learning topics:

  • Requirements for evaluating and determining the health status of the Maxillary Sinus,
  • Understanding the pathology related to the Maxillary Sinus and subsequent treatment options,
  • Working with a physician/ENT in the management of infected Maxillary Sinuses,
  • Management of soft tissue and hard tissue tuberosities,
  • Lateral access (Direct) procedures for single and multi-lobulated sinuses,
  • Crestal access (Indirect) procedures for single implant placement,
  • Direct and Indirect subnasal elevation grafts,
  • When to consider direct or indirect treatment protocols,
  • How to manage sinus membrane perforations and other complications.

There will be hands-on workshops with goats head and models each day to gain familiarity with these procedures.



$2,395 USD

BC ProSpace

Introduction to Digital Guided Surgery

Nov 22, 2024
North York, ON, CA
Learn More
Dr Philip Walton
Dr David Powell
Dr. Steven Bongard
Dr John Zarb

This introductory program is perfectly suited for the general dentist wanting to embrace the enormous benefits and broad application of guided surgery. This full day didactic program will focus on the entire digital workflow available today for the management of patients requiring the replacement of the single tooth, multiple missing teeth, and the full arch.  Participants will gain a profound understanding of the rationale and advantages conferred by digital planning and guidance. Emphasis will be placed on discussions related to understanding techniques for following a systematic digital workflow to achieve optimum implant positioning.


Learning Objectives

  • Review and understand CBCT imaging and pertinent anatomy related to implant placement
  • Compare and contrast analog and digital protocols for single tooth, short span and full arch rehabilitation
  • Review the benefits of immediate-load protocols with a digital workflow
  • Understand the learning curves, limitations and complications that may be associated with guided surgery


Tuition: $499 CAD

Plus applicable taxes

CE Credits : 7


Dr. John Zarb

Dr. Steven Bongard

Dr. David Powell

Dr. Philip Walton


Contact :

Genesis Continuing Dental Education

Tufts: Digital Dentures & Implant Overdentures Unleashed: Elevating your practice

Nov 23 - 24, 2024
Boston, MA, US
Taha Akhtar BDS, MSD, CAGS
Dr. Stephen Wagner

This program is designed to equip dental professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to master the intricacies of digital denture design, fabrication, and implementation in clinical practice.

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

December 2024

California Implant Institute: 6-Day LIVE Patient Surgical Externship All-on-4® Treatment concept and Full-Arch Immediate Loading Program

Dec 09 - 14, 2024
Dr Louie Al-Faraje

This 6 day comprehensive All-on-4® and Full Arch Immediate Loading LIVE patient program covers the treatment planning, surgical, prosthetic and the laboratory phases of the full arch immediate load prostheses for edentulous patients and those with terminal dentition.

Each participant will surgically treat two All-on-4® immediate loading cases. Also, attendees will be observing and participating as a group in one or more immediate restorations of full arch immediate loading cases.

California Implant Institute

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

Questions? Just ask. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional event information, we want to hear from you.

Contact us