
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

May 2024

IOSを選択するポイントと クリニックでの活用法(オンライン)

May 23 - Jun 23, 2024
・ 高嶺 邦朗 先生



June 2024

All-on-4®y cirugía guiada

Jun 28 - 29, 2024
Madrid, ES
Dr Jose Manuel Reuss Rodriguez Vilaboa

El concepto de tratamiento All-on-4® ofrece a los pacientes edéntulos y potencialmente edéntulos una prótesis de arcada completa sobre cuatro implantes el día de la cirugía consiguiendo así pacientes satisfechos con respecto a la función, la estética, los sentidos, el habla y la autoestima. Además, el concepto de tratamiento All-on-4® se puede combinar con un protocolo quirúrgico guiado.


En este curso se revisarán las ventajas de estos protocolos para el paciente y el cirujano, como mayor previsibilidad y seguridad, y se revisará el procedimiento paso a paso incluyendo la parte protésica.

Clínica Vilaboa

July 2024

Digital experience center: Tudo o que precisa de saber sobre implantologia 100% digital

Jul 05, 2024
Leipzig, PT
Dr José Pedro Dias da Silva

A Nobel Biocare foca-se todos os dias em melhorar a eficiência, a velocidade, a segurança e a rentabilidade dos seus produtos para que, enquanto profissionais de implantologia, possam oferecer resultados magníficos aos vossos pacientes.

Português (europeu)
Porsche Experience Center

A to Z digital implant dentistry

Jul 09 - 13, 2024
Roma, IT-RM, IT
Learn More
Prof Alessandro Pozzi

This interactive course is structured to provide step-by-step training at a very personal level. It employs case-based learning by emphasizing evidence-based learning for daily usage. Participants will learn from the basic tools to the latest advancements in digital implant dentistry. Streamlined clinical and digital workflows will be presented to increase efficiency and clinical outcomes. All the secrets of static guided surgery and X-Guide dynamic navigation will be unveiled to discern when and how to use the different surgical options, including the review of the current CBCT, IOS and Face scanning technologies. The DTX Studio Clinic, DTX Studio Implant and DTX Studio Lab software will be presented, explaining how to simplify the digital workflow for predictable guided immediate implant placement and immediate loading. The digital implant planning rules for anterior, posterior and full arch cases will be reviewed and updated to achieve biological, functional and esthetic success. The attendees will improve their own confidence and skills with digital planning through immersive software hands-on.

Indications and limitations of the static and dynamic guided surgery will be reviewed and discussed, from simple flapless to advanced procedures, including digital assisted soft tissue sculpturing (DASS Technique), Guided Socket Shield protocols and DyNav. Special emphasis will be given to interdisciplinary digitally assisted treatment planning and final aesthetics in the different clinical scenarios

Maximum number of participants: 15 - 24.
Participation fee: EUR 5,000. (Please note for customers registering in Italy 22% VAT is added to the participation fee. Total fee = EUR 6,100)
Language: English

Discounts for labs and clinic managers. Contact

Studio Pozzi

September 2024

X-Guide Navigation Surgery Live Ope Course 0911 横浜

Sep 11, 2024
横浜市, Kanagawa, JP
. 木津 康博 先生

DTX Studio™ Implantを用いた術前診断の優位性をふまえ、臨床に即した外科・補綴術式を学びます。 システムのコンセプトから診断、X-Guideによるナビゲーションジェリーに至るまでの流れについて、ステップを追いながらその留意点とともに解説いたします。

木津歯科オーラル& マキシロフェイシャルケアクリニック

Implant Education Company - 3 Day Live Surgical All-on-4® Treatment Concept Course with Digital Workflow

Sep 18 - 20, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Joe Mehranfar

A unique live surgical opportunity to learn the All on 4® treatment with digital workflow from expert instructors.

Each attending dentist will treat an upper and lower arch and learn the digital workflow process to immediate temporization of a 3D printed prosthesis.

Implant Education Company

October 2024

A to Z digital implant dentistry

Oct 01 - 05, 2024
Roma, IT-RM, IT
Prof Alessandro Pozzi

This interactive course is structured to provide step-by-step training at a very personal level. It employs case-based learning by emphasizing evidence-based learning for daily usage. Participants will learn from the basic tools to the latest advancements in digital implant dentistry. Streamlined clinical and digital workflows will be presented to increase efficiency and clinical outcomes. All the secrets of static guided surgery and X-Guide dynamic navigation will be unveiled to discern when and how to use the different surgical options, including the review of the current CBCT, IOS and Face scanning technologies. The DTX Studio Clinic, DTX Studio Implant and DTX Studio Lab software will be presented, explaining how to simplify the digital workflow for predictable guided immediate implant placement and immediate loading. The digital implant planning rules for anterior, posterior and full arch cases will be reviewed and updated to achieve biological, functional and esthetic success. The attendees will improve their own confidence and skills with digital planning through immersive software hands-on.

Indications and limitations of the static and dynamic guided surgery will be reviewed and discussed, from simple flapless to advanced procedures, including digital assisted soft tissue sculpturing (DASS Technique), Guided Socket Shield protocols and DyNav. Special emphasis will be given to interdisciplinary digitally assisted treatment planning and final aesthetics in the different clinical scenarios

Maximum number of participants: 15 - 24.
Participation fee: EUR 5,000. (Please note for customers registering in Italy 22% VAT is added to the participation fee. Total fee = EUR 6,100)
Language: English

Discounts for labs and clinic managers. Contact

Studio Pozzi

Innovation in implantology conference 2024 with Nobel Biocare Canada

Oct 04 - 06, 2024
Quebec City, QC, CA
Dr. Kevin Aminzadeh
Dr. Nach Daniel
Dr. Lesley David
Dr. Samer Abi Nader
Dr. Jean El-Fata
Dr. Steve Bongard
Dr Giacomo Fabbri
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Reena Talwar
Dr. Jonathan Ng
You're invited to spend three days of educational insights and hands-on experiences at the second annual Nobel Biocare Canada Innovation in Implantology Conference 2024. Opportunity to network with colleagues, learn the latest in digital workflows, and get hands-on experience with the innovative protocols today's dentistry demands.

X-Guideの臨床活用 1013 大阪

Oct 13, 2024
大阪市, Osaka, JP
. 長尾 龍典 先生
X-Guideが市場に出てから3年半が経ちます。 当製品の製品性能、活用性により高い注目を集めております。 実際にどのように使用するのか、オペ中に使用するのか、どのようにナビゲーションされるのか気になっているとのお声も少なくありません。 そこで今回、日頃からシュミレーションソフトによる審査・診断、治療計画を実施しX-Guideを使用したガイディッドサージェリーを経験している長尾先生を講師にお招きし、情報共有セミナーを開催いたします。 X-Guideの治療への導入が先生の臨床治療にどの様な影響を及ぼすのか、その実際のメリットについてお話いただきます。

Masterclass guided and computer navigated surgery - FR

Oct 16, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Learn More
Mr. Michaël Gabai
Nobel Biocare Belgium

November 2024

Masterclass in esthetic implant and restorative dentistry 2024

Nov 07 - 09, 2024
Zurich, CH
Dr. med. dent. Elena Mühlemann
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., PhD Mutlu Özcan
PD Dr. med. dent. Alexis Ioannidis
Prof. Dr. med. dent., PhD, MSc Tim Joda
PD Dr. med. dent. Nadja Naenni
Dr. med. dent. Anina Zürcher
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Thoma
Mr. Andrea Patrizi
Dr. med. dent. Marc Balmer
Prof. Dr. med. dent. PhD Ronald Jung

Nobel Biocare welcomes you to the University of Zurich.

Enroll in this advanced course to enhance your surgical and restorative skills through direct interaction with a team of internationally renowned implant dentistry and prosthetics experts. Working closely with your peers in an interactive environment, you will benefit from master lectures, hands-on workshops, and live surgeries. Your know-how will be enhanced in practical planning sessions, complex case discussions, and opportunities to use the latest technologies. Expand your international network in the unforgettable city of Zurich in beautiful Switzerland.

We look forward to seeing you!

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance from the University of Zurich including 21 CME credits.

Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich

Surgical Navigation Clinical Residency

Nov 08 - 09, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dr. Armando Lopes
This 2-day Residency Program focuses specifically on Navigation Implant Surgery and was designed especially for those who want to keep-up with the latest technology and introduce this valuable tool in their daily practice.

December 2024

La chirurgie et prothèse avancée/M4 - PERIOMIND

Dec 13 - 14, 2024
Toulouse, FR
Dr Ronan Barré
Dr Guillaume Anduze

L’objectif de ce module est d’identifier et traiter les cas complexes, d’intégrer les techniques de régénération osseuse guidée, de chirurgie guidée, ainsi que les protocoles chirurgicaux et prothétiques de traitement de l’édenté complet ou en devenir.


  • Comment définir un cas complexe ?
  • L'utilisation de la la chirurgie guidée pour des traitements implantaires fiables et reproductibles
  • La gestion des comblements sous sinusien
  • La régénération osseuse guidée ( préservation alvéolaire, sausage technique , sticky bone) 
  • La prothèse de grande étendue ( concepts , technique d'empreinte, réglages)
  • Des travaux pratiques ( pose d'implants en chirurgie guidée sur modèle pédagogique, TP ROG en saucisse technique sur machoire de porc, TP  All on 4, puis TP empreinte édentement complet)

 Prise en charge DPC rèf. 85301800001


February 2025

Curso avanzado para convertir mi clínica dental en un centro especializado en implantes dentales. 2ª Edición

Feb 06 - Nov 14, 2025
Gorráiz, ES
Dr Angel Fernández Bustillo

La implantología moderna se ha convertido en la especialidad motor de nuestras clínicas. La gestión, comunicación y elaboración de protocolos condicionan nuestros recursos y formas de trabajar.

En este curso, queremos trasmitir los conceptos quirúrgicos, protésicos y estéticos necesarios para poder planificar y ejecutar cualquier caso de implantes, en un entorno predecible en el tiempo, gestionando nuestros recursos de la forma más eficiente.



  • Organizar, gestionar y dirigir el protocolo de primera visita, diagnóstico, elaboración de plan de tratamiento y formas de plantear el presupuesto y plan económico.
  • Historia clínica del paciente de implantes, manejo clínico de factores de riesgo, metabolopatías, anticoagulantes, enfermedades sistemas, bifosfonatos, enfermedades psiquiátricas y neurológicas a tener en cuenta.
  • Entender la biología y traducción clínica del hueso crestal, factor que condiciona la técnica quirúrgica, el diseño protésico, la prevención de la periimplantitis y la fidelización del paciente.
  • Aprender las técnicas quirúrgicas y el manejo de sus complicaciones, así como su planificación para poder tratar cualquier caso con seguridad.
  • Entender la importancia del diseño de la prótesis y su mantenimiento, sus conceptos mecánicos y biológicos e incorporar una gestión del laboratorio moderna, con visión clínica y de crecimiento asumiendo unos protocolos de eficiencia en los controles del gasto.
  • Incorporar los conceptos de estética facial así como aprender todas las técnicas de estética y manejo de rellenos.
Hotel Castillo de Gorraiz

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

Questions? Just ask. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional event information, we want to hear from you.

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