
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

March 2024

The Mentorship Program 2024

Mar 07 - Nov 09, 2024
Macquarie park, NSW(AUS), AU
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Dr David Jones
Dr Ehsan Mellati
Dr Zoe Potres
Dr Wesley Wong
Dr Ben Lee
Dr Nour Tarraf
Dr Agnes Lai
Dr Johnson Chou
Dr Thao Truong
Dr Michael Walker
Complement. Enhance. Perfect. Take your skills to the next level with Nobel Biocare’s implant dentistry courses. From learning the latest techniques to mastering the skills, you’ll receive hands-on guidance from key experts. This mentored, comprehensive modular program is intended for dental practitioners who have a desire to develop and further their theoretical knowledge and clinical experience within implant dentistry. With the guidance of a professional mentor and an intensive evidence-based approach, this program will extend your treatment planning sequencing to incorporate sound surgical, restorative and maintenance protocols within implant dentistry. This unique comprehensive program is developed to provide predictable outcomes. Sign up today to see what makes the difference between good and great, and exceed your own expectations. Modules are linked by mentored events and participants are encouraged to bring patient cases for discussion in an enriching and interactive environment.
96 CPD Hours
Envista Training Centre

June 2024

California Implant Institute: Basic to Intermediate implant surgery program

Jun 03 - 08, 2024
Dr Louie Al-Faraje

6 -Days LIVE Patient Surgical Externship

California Implant Institute

Digital experience center: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre implantología 100% digital

Jun 03, 2024
Leipzig, ES
Dr Miguel Gonzalez Menéndez
Dr Didier Delmas

Nobel Biocare se centra cada día en mejorar la eficiencia, la velocidad, la seguridad y la rentabilidad de sus productos para que vosotros, profesionales en implantología podáis ofrecer magníficos resultados a vuestros valiosos pacientes.


Conoce nuestro portfolio digital, incluyendo el escáner intraoral DEXIS™, el software de planificación DTX Studio™ Implant, la máquina X-Guide™ para cirugía navegada y la impresora digital SprintRay en esta actividad.

Porsche Experience Center

Digital Experience Center: Simplifica el flujo digital en tu clínica

Jun 07, 2024-
Jun 07, 2025
Llanera, ES
Dr Miguel Gonzalez Menéndez

Nobel Biocare se centra cada día en mejorar la eficiencia, la velocidad, la seguridad y la rentabilidad de sus productos para que vosotros, profesionales en implantología podáis ofrecer magníficos resultados a vuestros valiosos pacientes.


Conoce nuestro portfolio digital, incluyendo el escáner intraoral DEXIS™, el software de planificación DTX Studio™ Implant, la máquina X-Guide™ para cirugía navegada y la impresora digital SprintRay en esta actividad.

Museo y circuito Fernando Alonso

Estancia clínica de formación avanzada en cirugía implantológica digital

Jun 12 - 15, 2024
Alicante, ES
Dr. Carmen Pomares

El protocolo All-on-4 revolucionó el tratamiento de maxilares edéntulos hace 25 años. Este curso profundiza en las técnicas de Cirugía Guiada y Navegada, herramientas que hacen los tratamientos implantológicos más rápidos y precisos.

Este curso está dirigido a los profesionales que quieran profundizar en estas técnicas para implementarlas en su práctica diaria y ofrecer excelencia odontológica en sus clínicas. 

Se conocerán las técnicas de menos a más ofreciéndose 2 niveles:

  • Nivel Básico: Para aquellos doctores que quieran iniciarse en la implantología por ordenador, cirugía guiada y/o navegada para edentulismo total o parcial.
  • Nivel avanzado: Para aquellos doctores con experiencia en cirugía guiada y/o navegada que desean ampliar a una formación inmesrsiva en ambas técnicas así como en la fusión de ambas para edentulismo total o quieran adquirir conocimientos para realizar la técnica All-on-4 con un enfoque digital.

Tras finalizar el curso, se puede seguir ampliando la formación con cursos avanzados intensivos. Formación a consultar con el organizador.


Zurich Digital Day - Le digital au service de l'implantologie

Jun 17 - 18, 2024
Kloten, CH
Dr Matthieu Ghibaudo
Dr Renaud Noharet

Nobel Biocare se mobilise pour vous proposer une parfaite découverte de ses solutions digitales au sein de son Dental Experience Center à Zurich.

Une immersion complète et sur mesure au sein du « Dental Experience Center » à Zurich, afin de parcourir l’ensemble des solutions digitales Nobel Biocare.

Une approche concrète et pratique entremêlée de conférences et workshops portés sur l’ensemble des étapes du flux numérique.


Nobel Biocare

Study Club Zentralschweiz

Jun 19, 2024
Luzern, CH
Univ.-Prof. DDr. Werner Zechner

Wir möchten Sie gerne zu einem besonderen Abend einladen: Thema sind aktuelle und praxisrelevante Augmentationstechniken (Blöcke, L-PRF, Guided Bone Regeneration - GBR, etc) vor Implantation sowie aktuelle Studienergebnisse.

Mit der regenerativen Produktlinie creos™ bietet Nobel Biocare Ihnen und Ihren Patienten sichere und zuverlässige Lösungen für den zahnmedizinischen Gebrauch in der gesteuerten Knochenregeneration (GBR). Wir bieten eine breite Auswahl an Knochenersatz, Barrieremembranen, Weichgewebe-Matrizes sowie Nähten und Fixierungssystemen, um die Regeneration zu gewährleisten, die Sie benötigen.

Erleben Sie unsere sorgfältig durchdachten, einfach anzuwendenden, effektiven Lösungen – zur Erfüllung Ihrer täglichen Anforderungen und wissenschaftlich untermauert. Wir möchten Sie als vertrauenswürdiger Partner mit regenerativen Lösungen für Sie und Ihre Patienten unterstützen. Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unser oberstes Ziel.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr Team von Nobel Biocare

1,5 Fortbildungsstunden
Radisson Blu Hotel

Restored Smiles - Pathway to Predictable and Successful Implant Placement - Session 1-2

Jun 21 - 22, 2024
Lompoc, CA, US
Dr. J.V. Huss

Learn how to place dental implants in to abundant bone predictably, efficiently, and successfully. This comprehensive course is filled with hands-on exercises to prepare you for socket preservation, flap design, implant placement, and suturing. With your purchase you will have access to Session One ONLINE curriculum for up to 1 year so that you can go back and review as often as you want.

Restored Smiles

Biologically driven surgical and prosthetic protocols: The new normal in implant dentistry

Jun 28 - 29, 2024
Kloten, CH-ZH, CH
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Dr Tristan Staas
Dr Giacomo Fabbri


Join this masterclass in which the current scientific improvements will be discussed, regarding osseointegration, mucointegration and ‘one abutment one time’ protocols from anterior esthetic rehabilitation to full-arch rehabilitations. We will look back on what we have learned in the last 15 years of implantology and look forward to new possibilities in the field of digital technology, implant and abutment surfaces, new abutment and restorative concepts, a selection of restorative materials and planning the emergence profile with a biologically driven concept.

The course will be interactive, where science and clinical practice will come together.


Course objectives & details

The course will cover in-depth discussion and learnings in the following topics:

  • Esthetic therapy in fixed prosthodontics: step by step analysis and workflow.
    Digitalization of the dental clinic: a new clinical workflow and an amazing tool for the communication.
  • 15 years of implant evolution, what have we learned?
    The biological width around dental implants: importance in restoration, surgical and prosthetic procedures.
  • Management of the implant / abutment interface area (IAI): the key point for the ideal complete integration of the final restoration.
  • Interfaces in implant therapy: a biologically driven concept.
  • Covering bone interface, soft tissue interface, restorative interface and esthetic interface through an interactive lecture, discussion and evaluation of treated clinical cases.
  • The one abutment one time concept: surgical and prosthetic considerations
    Digital approach for idealizing the integration of the prosthetic outcome.
  • Prosthetic and surgical planning: preserve, recreate or replace the soft tissue morphology around implants.
  • Soft tissue management in the esthetic area in cases with delayed approach: prosthetic aspects and techniques.
  • Soft tissue management in the esthetic area in cases with immediate function: prosthetic aspects and technique.
  • The role of a multidisciplinary approach in modern restorative dentistry.
  • How to transfer the soft tissue morphology to the LAB? Digital vs Analogic.
  • The treatment of the fully edentulous patient with implants: strategy and solutions. Occlusal and biomechanical aspects.
  • Live surgery broadcast from Dr. Staas’ clinic with moderation and Q&A with Dr. Tristan Staas and Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
  • Hands-on Nobel Biocare N1™ implant system: From treatment planning to provisional printing
  • Demos Patient journey through the digital workflow. Tour of the Dental Experience Center.
Nobel Biocare Dental Experience Center

All-on-4®y cirugía guiada

Jun 28 - 29, 2024
Madrid, ES
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Dr Jose Manuel Reuss Rodriguez Vilaboa

El concepto de tratamiento All-on-4® ofrece a los pacientes edéntulos y potencialmente edéntulos una prótesis de arcada completa sobre cuatro implantes el día de la cirugía consiguiendo así pacientes satisfechos con respecto a la función, la estética, los sentidos, el habla y la autoestima. Además, el concepto de tratamiento All-on-4® se puede combinar con un protocolo quirúrgico guiado.


En este curso se revisarán las ventajas de estos protocolos para el paciente y el cirujano, como mayor previsibilidad y seguridad, y se revisará el procedimiento paso a paso incluyendo la parte protésica.

Clínica Vilaboa

July 2024

Series 1: Live surgery with full-arch workflow

Jul 12 - 13, 2024
Stuart, FL, US
Michael Sohl
From data acquisition to navigated surgery with same-day placement of provisional.
Michael Sohl DDS Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Assistants Surgical Course: Implant Dentistry

Jul 26, 2024
Macquarie Park, NSW(AUS), AU
Ms Rochelle Fisher
Dental implants are now becoming one of the most common ways to replace a missing tooth or teeth. So many dentists are having further education to be able to offer this treatment to patients. Yet the rest of the team are left behind. This course will highlight each member of the team and their role before, during and after the implant procedure. Dentistry is such a team approach. Like the cogs of a clock take one out and the watch won’t function. This course will fill in all the gaps!
Envista Training Centre

Dental Assistants Surgical Course: Implant Dentistry

Jul 27, 2024
Macquarie Park, NSW(AUS), AU
Ms Rochelle Fisher
Dental implants are now becoming one of the most common ways to replace a missing tooth or teeth. So many dentists are having further education to be able to offer this treatment to patients. Yet the rest of the team are left behind. This course will highlight each member of the team and their role before, during and after the implant procedure. Dentistry is such a team approach. Like the cogs of a clock take one out and the watch won’t function. This course will fill in all the gaps!
Envista Training Centre

August 2024

Restored Smiles - Concentrated Growth Factors - Bone Grafting Utilizing CGF / PRF

Aug 03, 2024
Lompoc, CA, US
Dr. J.V. Huss

Course Objectives:
• Learn how to perform venipuncture and basic anatomy
• Utilize blood to make fibrin clot and fibrin glue
• Learn how to make and handle AFG (autologous Fibrin Glue) “sticky bone” for various bone grafting situations
• Learn what CGF is and what it consists of
• How you can incorporate CGF into your practice
• Learn full spectrum of clinical applications of CGF/PRF including surgical flap closures, socket preservation, ridge augmentation, sinus lift, immediate and flapless implant placement

Restored Smiles

California Implant Institute: 6-Day LIVE Patient Surgical Externship All-on-4® Treatment concept and Full-Arch Immediate Loading Program

Aug 05 - 10, 2024
Dr Louie Al-Faraje

This 6 day comprehensive All-on-4® and Full Arch Immediate Loading LIVE patient program covers the treatment planning, surgical, prosthetic and the laboratory phases of the full arch immediate load prostheses for edentulous patients and those with terminal dentition.

Each participant will surgically treat two All-on-4® immediate loading cases. Also, attendees will be observing and participating as a group in one or more immediate restorations of full arch immediate loading cases.

California Implant Institute

Restored Smiles - Pathway to Predictable and Successful Implant Placement - Session 3

Aug 09 - 10, 2024
Dr. J.V. Huss

Learn how to place dental implants in to abundant bone predictably, efficiently, and successfully. This comprehensive course is filled with hands-on exercises to prepare you for socket preservation, flap design, implant placement, and suturing. With your purchase you will have access to Session One ONLINE curriculum for up to 1 year so that you can go back and review as often as you want.


Implant Education Company - 2 Day All On 4® Course with Cadaver training

Aug 15 - 16, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams

This 2-Day All-on-4® Implant Surgical with Cadaver Workshop is tailored for dentists and dental specialists eager to integrate the revolutionary All-on-4® treatment into their practices.

Implant Education Company

Implant Education Company - Introduction to the digital workflow for the All-on-4® treatment concept

Aug 22 - 23, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Mr. Landon Winters
Dr. Joe Mehranfar

Join us as we delve into the exciting world of dental technology, where we uncover the obstacles we faced and conquered on our journey to becoming an all-digital dental implant center and laboratory.

Implant Education Company

September 2024

Digital Day Kloten

Sep 05, 2024
Kloten, CH
ZT Enes Latifovic

Erleben und testen Sie am 5. September 2024 den schnellsten digitalen Workflow mit unserem IOS, DTX, X-Guide und dem 3D Digital Druck mit SprintRay in unserem Experience Center in Kloten.

Freuen Sie sich auf einen spannenden und informativen Nachmittag - Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr Nobel Biocare Team

Dental Experience Center | Nobel Biocare AG

Implant Education Company - 2 Day Beginner Dental Implant Surgical course

Sep 06 - 07, 2024
Phoenix, AZ, US
Dr. Blake Adams

This immersive beginning implant course provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of dental implant surgery.

Implant Education Company

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

Questions? Just ask. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional event information, we want to hear from you.

Contact us