Dr. Francesco Mintrone

N1™ Base

Anterior case

Dr. Francesco Mintrone

The request of the patient was to replace the fractured tooth and improve her smile, while minimizing the costs. Before starting surgical procedures, we decided to take care of the oral hygiene and periodontal situation. This enabled us to work in a healthy environment at the time of tooth extraction and implant placement. Immediate loading was performed on 21 with a socket shield technique. After the osseointegration of the implant, we decided to proceed with the digital approach to place the final restoration on the implant and a veneer on the other central incisor.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Patient: 51-year-old female, poor oral hygiene, abrasion of the anterior teeth.

Clinical situation: impacted teeth 18, 48, 38. Deep fracture 21.

Surgical solution: extraction and implant placement on 21. 

Restorative solution: veneers on 11. Crown on implant on 21.

Surgical treatment: January 18, 2021

Rehabilitation delivery: June 7, 2021




Case courtesy of Dr. Francesco Mintrone.

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Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Esthetic analysis


Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Initial clinical solution

Deep fracture of 21 and severe abrasion of 11.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Initial clinical situation

Tooth residue of 21.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Initial clinical situation

Preoperative orthopantomagram. Incongruous fillings on all four maxillary incisors and impacted teeth 18, 38, and 48. Not visible: periapical lesions at tooth 21.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Treatment planning

Evaluation of the case with DTX Studio™ suite software.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Treatment planning

Evaluation of the case with DTX Studio™ suite software.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Treatment planning

Evaluation of the ideal position of the free gingival margin including crestal bone level assessment.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Treatment planning

Evaluation of the socket shield approach to preserve the buccal bone volume.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Treatment planning

Surgical guide for the 2 mm drill.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Surgical procedure

Provisional prosthesis and soft tissue healing after 90 days (left).

Peri-apical X-ray where the N1 Base and bone stability are visible (right).

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Restorative procedure

Mock-up to evaluate the prosthetic profile of the future rehabilitation.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Restorative procedure

Minimally invasive preparation of the veneer on 11, and intraoral scanning.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Restorative procedure

Intraoral scan.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Laboratory procedure

Digital approach.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Laboratory procedure

Digital approach (left).

Insertion tool for IOS implant replica Nobel Biocare N1 NP and RP (right).

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Laboratory procedure

Insertion tool for IOS implant replica Nobel Biocare N1 NP and RP.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Laboratory procedure

Insertion tool for IOS implant replica Nobel Biocare N1 NP and RP.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Laboratory procedure

Insertion tool for IOS implant replica Nobel Biocare N1 NP and RP.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Laboratory procedure

Insertion tool for IOS implant replica Nobel Biocare N1 NP and RP.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Laboratory procedure

Zirconia stamp to simplify the esthetic result.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone

Laboratory procedure

Double approach with a zirconia stamp plus veneers cemented on top to simplify the esthetic result.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone


Good soft tissue stability around N1 base before the final delivery (left).

Good esthetic integration of the final rehabilitation (right).

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone


Good esthetic integration of the final rehabilitation.

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone


Soft tissue stability (left).

Peri-apical X-ray (right).

Case courtesy of Dr. Mintrone


Good esthetic integration of the final rehabilitation.

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Not all medical devices used during surgery are Nobel Biocare devices. Nobel Biocare recommends that manufacturer's IFUs are followed. Full procedure is not shown. Certain sequences have been cut. Please refer to applicable IFUs for full instructions.