Prof. Alessandro Pozzi

Full-arch immediate loading in the maxilla and single molar in the mandible

Dr. Alessandro Pozzi

Rome, Italy

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Patient: 65-year-old male. Hyperglycemia; coronary angioplasty and stent; clopidogrel (Plavix). Smoker (fewer than 10 cigarettes per day)
Clinical situation: terminal dentition in the upper jaw. Tooth mobility and periodontal support of less than 30%. Periapical radiolucency of approximately 1 cm of first molar, lower left side. Patient refuses any invasive surgical periodontal bone regeneration procedures
Surgical solution: immediate tooth extraction. Four NobelActive TiUltra implants placed with X-Guide dynamic navigation system. Immediate loading of full-arch temporary prosthesis, with Multi-unit Abutment Xeal. Restorative solution: immediate loading of screw-retained full-arch temporary prosthesis
Final restoration: screw-retained porcelain fused to NobelProcera Zirconia full-arch implant bridge
Surgery date: April 2019
Total treatment time: 6 months
Tooth position: upper full-arch and tooth 3






Case courtesy of Dr. Alessandro Pozzi

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Initial clinical situation

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Terminal dentition in the upper jaw. Tooth mobility and periodontal support of less than 30%. Periapical radiolucency of approximately 1 cm of first molar, lower left side. Patient refuses any invasive surgical periodontal bone regeneration procedures. 

Pre-operative clinical frontal and lateral views in occlusion.

Treatment planning

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

DTX Studio™ Implant and DTX Studio™ Lab for streamlined 3D planning and execution. A screw-retained full-arch restoration supported by four implants was planned with an FP1-FP3 prosthetic design (direct emergence from the soft tissue with pink interface).

DTX Studio™ Implant 3D implant planning. In the cross section, the reduced periodontal support and the discrepancy between the original tooth contour and virtual wax-up design are visible (left).

DTX Studio™ Lab 3D prosthetic planning according to the Digitally assisted soft tissue sculpturing (DASS) technique (right).

Surgical procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

X-Guide dynamic navigation with 360° control of implant drill angulation and position.

Surgical procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Minimally invasive tooth extraction, flapless surgical approach, periapical infection removal, careful debridement of the post extraction socket, X-Guide® immediate implant positioning, xenogeneic soft tissue matrix to enhance the gingival architecture healing and thickening.

NobelActive TiUltra RP 4.3 x 15 mm positioned in the post-extraction sockets in straight and angulated positions.

Surgical procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Intraoperative occlusal view of the bone and soft tissue grafting. The xenogeneic collagen matrix was packed and secured on the buccal  side and interproximally (left).

A screw-retained full-arch temporary prosthesis was placed on the day of surgery (right).

Surgical procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Lopes

Post-operative orthopantomogram.

Surgical procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Occlusal view: 1 month post-operative after the DASS technique (left).

Occlusal view: 4 months post implant placement and DASS technique. Excellent soft tissue healing and maturation around the Multi-unit Abutments Xeal (right).

Surgical procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Smiling scan technique: DTX 3D rendering of the pre-operative patient smile (left).

Smiling scan technique: DTX pre-operative 3D smile design (center).

Post-operative clinical outcome with the full-arch temporary prosthesis (right).

Surgical procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Screw-retained zirconia crown bonded on Universal Base on On1 Xeal.

Pre-operative periapical x-ray. Radiolucency-periapical infection of about 1 cm of the 1st molar lower left side (first image from the left).

Intra-operative periapical x-ray. After tooth extraction and removal of the cyst a NobelParallel TiUltra 5.5 mm x 13 mm was positioned in the fresh extraction socket and the defect was regenerated with xenogeneic bone particulate graft (second image from the left).

Periapical x-ray after 3 months. After ISQ assessment, an IOS impression was taken with a dedicated scan body (third image from the left).

Periapical x-ray after 5 months. A screw-retained zirconia crown bonded on a Universal Base on On1 Xeal was delivered (fourth image from the left).

Restorative procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Soft tissue healing around the On1 Xeal abutment 1 month after tooth extraction and cyst removal (left).

3D printed master cast with On1 Xeal analogue secured in the correct position (right).

Restorative procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Screw-retained zirconia crown to be rebonded on Universal Base on On1 Xeal (left).

Definitive screw-retained zirconia crown bonded on Universal Base seated on On1 Xeal (right).

Restorative procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Extraoral chairside bonding sequence of screw-retained zirconia crown on Universal Base seated on On1 Xeal.

Restorative procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

DTX Studio Lab software prosthetic workflow for CAD/CAM manufacturing of a screw-retained NobelProcera zirconia full-arch prosthesis.

Restorative procedure

Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Extraoral view of the definitive screw-retained NobelProcera Implant Bridge and the screw-retained zirconia crown bonded on Universal Base secured on On1 Xeal.


Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Digitally Assisted Soft Tissue Sculpturing (DASS) technique. Scalloping of the soft tissue interface.

Post-operative view: Natural appearance of the perio-restorative interface to embrace the screw-retained full-arch porcelain fused to NobelProcera zirconia prosthesis (left).

Final view: Natural appearance of the perio-restorative interface to embrace the screw-retained full-arch porcelain fused to NobelProcera zirconia prosthesis (right).


Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Screw-retained NobelProcera porcelain fused to zirconia implant bridge.


Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Screw-retained NobelProcera porcelain fused to zirconia implant bridge.

Pre-operative patient smile. Tooth wear, reduced tooth exposure. Failing anterior dentition. Posterior edentulism (left).

Post-operative patient smile. Pleasant smile with proper tooth exposure, incisal edge position, tooth length and occlusal plane (right).


Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Excellent marginal bone levels around Multi-unit Abutments Xeal and NobelActive TiUltra implants in the upper jaw and On1 Base Xeal and NobelParallel TiUltra in the 1st molar lower left side.

1-year follow-up. Orthopantomogram. Excellent bone level around Multi-unit Abutments Xeal and NobelActive TiUltra implants in the upper jaw and On1 Base Xeal and NobelParallel TiUltra in the 1st molar lower left side (left).

2-year follow-up. Orthopantomogram. The bone architecture is preserved with a scalloped design. The bone resorption pattern is within the criteria of success around the Multi-unit Abutments Xeal and NobelActive TiUltra implants in the upper jaw and On1 Base Xeal and NobelParallel TiUltra in the 1st molar lower left side (right).


Case courtesy of Dr. Pozzi

Excellent marginal bone levels around Multi-unit Abutments Xeal and NobelActive TiUltra implants in the upper jaw and On1 Base Xeal and NobelParallel TiUltra in the 1st molar lower left side.

Upper jaw 2-year follow-up. Periapical x-rays upper jaw. Excellent bone levels around Multi-unit Abutments Xeal and NobelActive TiUltra implants (left).

2-year follow-up. Periapical x-ray. On1 Xeal abutment and NobelParallel TiUltra in the 1st molar lower left side (right).

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