Tim rediscovers his smile with NobelProcera

Tim’s Story

One patient rediscovers his smile with NobelProcera®

Imagine spending years struggling with not only edentulism, but in thinking the only treatment available to you was an uncomfortable, unattractive denture. Until recently, this was the life that Tim was living.

Tim began losing molars at a relatively young age. In time, periodontitis took away his enjoyment of favorite foods such as barbecue, seafood and steaks. Then, after years of chewing food with his front teeth, he began losing those as well. Eventually, like his parents, he settled for dentures. Fortunately, Tim’s story doesn’t end there.

As dental professionals, we know Tim’s story is not unique. But it’s also for this very reason we felt Tim’s story is worth sharing. There are millions of individuals out there like Tim, all waiting to hear there is a better option. It is our hope that this blog post reaches at least a few of them. This is Tim’s story.

There must be a better option

With dentures, Tim was hesitant to smile. Not only were his remaining teeth chipped and stained, but the artificial teeth of his denture were disproportionately small. Tim needed a solution – one that not only restored chewing function, but also enhanced the appearance of his smile.

A life-changing meeting

Tim was aware of dental implants, yet he had the mistaken belief that the procedure would be painful and costly. That is, until he met Dr. Young Jun of Placentia Oral Surgery in Placentia, California.

Dr. Jun recounts his first meeting with Tim. “He was wearing dentures and they didn’t look good. The teeth were small, it was ill-fitting, loose and he didn’t like them at all. We knew we could do something better by providing him a fixed prosthesis, a better solution than removing the dentures at nighttime and having problems eating and chewing."


Tim chooses dental implants

Dr. Jun proposed an entirely new smile with the strength, comfort and confidence that for years, his dentures weren’t providing. The promise of an esthetically pleasing smile and the ability to enjoy his favorite foods once again resonated with Tim. Tim ultimately agreed with the proposed treatment.

Dr. Jun’s treatment choice was NobelActive® TiUltra implants and Multi-unit Abutments Xeal to support a fixed, full-arch restoration in the upper jaw. “I think TiUltra and Xeal,” says Dr. Jun, “are probably the best products out there. The difference is that the tissue healed much faster. I believe TiUltra was the best product for him. In a week, he was back to normal. I think it was a great choice for him.”

Completing his smile with NobelProcera® Zirconia Implant Bridge

To craft the final bridge, Dr. Jun turned to Steven Lee of A&M Dental Laboratory in Santa Ana, California. With Tim’s input, the restoration of choice was the NobelProcera® Zirconia Implant Bridge, manufactured with high strength material, offering excellent precision and reliable quality.

A result worthy of big smiles

For Tim, the result was nothing short of life-changing. “I keep feeling myself smile,” Tim says, “because I can’t remember the last time I could smile broadly and not worry about the gaps. This whole process has let me enjoy foods again…I enjoy cooking. I can already tell I think I'm going to smile more, which means I'm probably going to talk more and be more relaxed around people, and I think the social interactions are going to change.”

Tim’s story shows us that our work goes beyond the biological and physiological; each day, we are helping patients reclaim their smiles and rediscover their sense of self.