Local production
Offering a broad selection of options to help you meet your needs.
Enhance your services and grow your business with in-house production
Nobel Biocare libraries are available for DTX Studio™ Lab, 3Shape®, exocad™ and Dental Wings™ software.
Local production possibilities
Explore your opportunities for local production

Working with Nobel Biocare and DTX Studio™ suite allows you to have a digital workflow: From implant planning to design and fabrication of surgical templates; from a screw-retained provisional at the day of surgery (TempShell) to authentic final restorations and printed models from intraoral scan data.
To further support the IOS workflows, print models from digital scan data.
DTX Studio™ Implant allows for exporting and printing surgical templates locally based on the treatment plan.
Design and print the TempShell based on the digital plan. Complemented with Temporary Snap Abutment allows for efficient provisionalization.
Nobel Biocare's authentic base libraries are automatically included in our DTX Studio™ Lab software, meaning you can easily proceed with the design and in-house production of your restoration. If you are using 3Shape®, exocad™ or Dental Wings™, you can easily download the Nobel Biocare libraries.
Pre-milled Titanium Abutment Blanks
You can now produce customized abutments in your in-house milling facility. All pre-milled Titanium Abutment Blanks are co-packed with an original Nobel Biocare screw. The Blanks are available for the following connections: internal conical connection, external hex and tri-channel. Depending on the connection the blanks are available in 2 different diameters: Ø 10mm and Ø 14mm.

Material: Titanium Grade 5 ELI (extra low intersticial).
Interface with the holder: flat surface engages and secures blank to the holder avoiding rotation.
Total millable length of 20 mm.
Laser marking on blank with information on implant connection type, implant platform size and blank diameter.
Laser marking on connection (internal conical connection and internal trichannel) for identification.
Minimal gingival transition height of 0.3 mm.
Download Local Production DME’s / Implant Library