En diferido

Decide el momento y lugar que más te convenga para aprender. Nuestros webinars y conferencias en diferido te dan acceso de primera fila a ponentes, investigadores y líderes de opinión de primer nivel en implantología.

Augmentation with guided bone regeneration and soft tissue graft to ensure long term esthetic and stable implant results - Dr. Sascha Jovanovic

Dr. Jovanovic will discuss optimizing the biology and tissue behavior for esthetic results in implant therapy. During this session, Dr. Jovanovic will examine new protocols, materials, and Nobel Biocare’s leading creos™ regenerative solutions portfolio. Lastly, he will discuss biological and clinical evidence that helps optimize esthetic results in implant therapy, both when planning for immediate protocols and when waiting for the tissue to heal.


Introducing the NobelProcera® Zirconia Implant Bridge

The NobelProcera® Zirconia Implant Bridge is cement-free and is the most flexible approach to partial-arch implant restorations from 2 to 6 units. The restorative freedom offered by the NobelProcera® Zirconia Implant Bridge simplifies the partnership between clinicians and technicians.

The coping- and cement-free design reduces complexity, improves hygiene, and saves time, all while delivering enhanced esthetics. 


The Dark Side of Dentistry: Mental Wellness in our Profession

Kyle Stanley, D.D.S.
Dentistry is ranked internationally as one of the best jobs in the world but also comes with one of the top suicide rates of any profession! Dr. Stanley will discuss this taboo topic in relation to stress from highly demanding patients, clinical revisions, and many other factors making for a stressful life for dental professionals. We will examine different aspects of predictable clinical dentistry, practice management, and research-proven stress reduction techniques that allow dentists to be more successful in their clinical practices and live a more balanced life. By examining this topic, we can help many of our colleagues struggling with mental health issues related to this profession that we love.

The Digital Journey: Utilizing Intraoral Scanning to Maximize Clinical Production

Robert Pauley, Jr., DMD
This introductory session will discuss how incorporating IOS technology into our office can help to maximize a clinician’s chair-time enabling the opportunity to more clinical production. This initial session will discuss how the CS 3800 IOS is utilized in developing cosmetic blueprints, lab collaboration, prosthetic driven implant treatment plans and obtaining impressions for final prosthetics.

Attract your ideal patients and profit more

Dr. Bobby Birdi

Know your mission and vision, then work backwards  from what matters most.

Whether it’s full-arch surgeries, dental implants, aligners, or other types of dental services that you love to offer, learn how to make your practice a powerhouse practice. Discover how easy it is to have more fun and make more profit.  


Learning objectives 

- Get crystal clear on your ideal services  

- Discover how to niche market and why it saves tons of time and money  

- Discover resources to get everyone on your team properly trained to support those sales from start to finish  

- Find out how you can collaborate with trusted partners  



Best kept branding, social media, and marketing strategies for your most productive services

Dr. Bobby Birdi

Secret strategies and resources marketers don’t tell you about to save you money

Branding, social media and marketing have never been more blurred, confusing, and saturated with competition than now. However, there are incredibly simple ways to set yourself apart and stand out from the crowd using what you have right now. Learn how to creatively approach your marketing using that which already exists in your practice. Find out how to attract your ideal patients and employees with your message.

Learning objectives
– How to identify and market to your target or ideal patients.
Discover how marketing to your ideal patient will make you more profitable than casting the net wide, as most people do
– Learn what some of the most successful practices are doing differently from others
Find simple ways to implement systematic approaches to your marketing that allow your team to focus on what they do best, freeing up everyone’s time, effort and energy
– Gain crucial strategies that will clean up your marketing and give you clarity on where to focus 


Challenges and evolution of restoring fully edentulous and failing dentition patients: The All-on-4® treatment concept – Dr. Ana Ferro

Loss of teeth is an early sign of aging, with an undeniable impact on the global population, affecting their daily life and social interactions.

Through innovation, along with continuous clinical and scientific research, it has become possible to treat almost every edentulous case with a highly functional and esthetic fixed solution, increasing the quality of life for these patients. The MALO CLINIC protocol for rehabilitation of the fully edentulous has allowed thousands of clinicians around the world to achieve this essential goal.

The rehabilitation of these patients is a team approach involving the surgeon, prosthodontist, lab technician and dental hygienist. The surgical stage is in line with the All-on-4®treament concept – an innovative technique developed in the early ‘90s with Prof. Paulo Maló and his team that allows for Immediate Function, full-arch, implant supported prosthetics. This widely applicable surgical protocol allows for a simplified and immediate rehabilitation with a provisional bridge fixed on four implants, with minimum cantilevers, delivered 3 to 4 hours after surgery.

The final prosthetic work - the MALO CLINIC bridge - was developed to give patients an esthetic, precise and consistent result, following a protocoled clinical and technical procedure.

Clinical management of patients through this protocol will be presented by demonstrating the process of collecting medical data, diagnosis, treatment planning and surgical protocols and through insights into both provisional and definitive implant-supported prostheses.


The relationship between peri-implant tissue and prosthesis in the anterior area - Dr. Oscar Gonzalez-Martín

Loss of teeth is an early sign of aging, with an undeniable impact on the global population, affecting their daily life and social interactions.

Through innovation, along with continuous clinical and scientific research, it has become possible to treat almost every edentulous case with a highly functional and esthetic fixed solution, increasing the quality of life for these patients. The MALO CLINIC protocol for rehabilitation of the fully edentulous has allowed thousands of clinicians around the world to achieve this essential goal.

The rehabilitation of these patients is a team approach involving the surgeon, prosthodontist, lab technician and dental hygienist. The surgical stage is in line with the All-on-4®treament concept – an innovative technique developed in the early ‘90s with Prof. Paulo Maló and his team that allows for Immediate Function, full-arch, implant supported prosthetics. This widely applicable surgical protocol allows for a simplified and immediate rehabilitation with a provisional bridge fixed on four implants, with minimum cantilevers, delivered 3 to 4 hours after surgery.

The final prosthetic work - the MALO CLINIC bridge - was developed to give patients an esthetic, precise and consistent result, following a protocoled clinical and technical procedure.

Clinical management of patients through this protocol will be presented by demonstrating the process of collecting medical data, diagnosis, treatment planning and surgical protocols and through insights into both provisional and definitive implant-supported prostheses.


Key factors in bone augmentation procedures from the perspective of hard and soft tissue management - Dr. Luca De Stavola

Bone augmentation procedures have become an increasingly established part of implant treatment protocols to optimize the implant position according to the prosthetic need. The aim of this webinar is to describe the main key factors which improve the outcome and predictability of the augmentation procedure. The focus will be the biological diagnosis of the defect and the management of hard and soft tissues.

Optimizing bone and the Mucointegration™ principle with a biologically driven emergence profile - Dr. Giacomo Fabbri

A prosthetic treatment plan must allow for the integration of esthetic, biological and functional requirements for natural teeth and implants. In the case of implants, the prosthetic treatment is usually more challenging due to inevitable soft tissue changes after tooth extraction. In this sense the surgical and prosthetic approach play an essential role in optimizing prosthetic integration and simultaneously achieving reliable and stable prosthetic results. Nowadays, it is well known that biological integration and stability around implants, can be significantly influenced by the correct use of modern implant and prosthetic components. Implantology has reached the Mucointegration™era!Tailoring the implant surface at each levelto meet biological needs, adapting roughness, morphology and surface chemistry, is a crucial advantage that gives us the opportunity to achieve a restorative system that is osseo-and muco-integrated at the same time.  In this context, the implant emergence profile also assumes a critical role, that is strictly correlated to the vertical position of the implant, abutment material, surface, morphology andplacement protocol. In this sense the use of non-removable prosthetic components allows optimal soft tissue healing around the implant with significant advantages from a biological, biomechanical and clinical point of view. This approach offers an undisturbed mucosal seal that protects the bone interface from contamination and remodeling.


DTX Studio™ Implant – Jeffrey Kesting

Overview of DTX Studio™ Implant encompassing the latest software features. Turn the plan into reality. Gain adequate knowledge of the DTX Studio™ Implant software and accompanying digital workflows to support your practice.


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