En diferido

Decide el momento y lugar que más te convenga para aprender. Nuestros webinars y conferencias en diferido te dan acceso de primera fila a ponentes, investigadores y líderes de opinión de primer nivel en implantología.

Augmentation with guided bone regeneration and soft tissue graft to ensure long term esthetic and stable implant results - Dr. Sascha Jovanovic

Dr. Jovanovic will discuss optimizing the biology and tissue behavior for esthetic results in implant therapy. During this session, Dr. Jovanovic will examine new protocols, materials, and Nobel Biocare’s leading creos™ regenerative solutions portfolio. Lastly, he will discuss biological and clinical evidence that helps optimize esthetic results in implant therapy, both when planning for immediate protocols and when waiting for the tissue to heal.


The Digital Journey: Utilizing Intraoral Scanning to Maximize Clinical Production

Robert Pauley, Jr., DMD
This introductory session will discuss how incorporating IOS technology into our office can help to maximize a clinician’s chair-time enabling the opportunity to more clinical production. This initial session will discuss how the CS 3800 IOS is utilized in developing cosmetic blueprints, lab collaboration, prosthetic driven implant treatment plans and obtaining impressions for final prosthetics.

DTX Studio™ Implant – Jeffrey Kesting

Overview of DTX Studio™ Implant encompassing the latest software features. Turn the plan into reality. Gain adequate knowledge of the DTX Studio™ Implant software and accompanying digital workflows to support your practice.


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